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Registered User Joined: 2/4/2006 Posts: 46
How do I create a PCF for a 3 day MA up over an 8 day MA and a 8 MA up over a 13 day MA and so on and so forth...thanks.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Please try the following:
You may wish to review the following:
How to create a Personal Criteria Forumula (PCF) Moving Average PCF Templates Things to check if your moving averages don't "seem right" or "seem to match" Handy PCF example formulas to help you learn the syntax of PCFs! PCF Formula Descriptions
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Joined: 9/30/2004 Posts: 9,187
I answered your original post here:
Moving Averages
Bruce intepreted your question a little differently. I interpreted it as actual crossovers, Bruce gave you the formulas for find where AVG A is above AVG B and AVG B is above AVG C.
Registered User Joined: 2/4/2006 Posts: 46
In further thinking (I know, always trouble)....I want that time when ALL the MA's I pick are sitting at the same price point...for example, the 3, 8, and 13 are all sitting right on top of each other and price. I almost think this would be a convergence point, maybe not. Hoep I explained this right.
Thanks for your help.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
doug1746, One option might be sort by the Percent Difference between the Highest and Lowest of the three Moving Averages:
100 * ((AVGC3 + AVGC8 + ABS(AVGC3 - AVGC8) + 2 * (AVGC13) + ABS(AVGC3 + AVGC8 + ABS(AVGC3 - AVGC8) - 2 * (AVGC13))) / 4) / ((AVGC3 + AVGC8 - ABS(AVGC3 - AVGC8) + 2 * (AVGC13) - ABS(AVGC3 + AVGC8 - ABS(AVGC3 - AVGC8) - 2 * (AVGC13))) / 4) - 100
100 * ((XAVGC3 + XAVGC8 + ABS(XAVGC3 - XAVGC8) + 2 * (XAVGC13) + ABS(XAVGC3 + XAVGC8 + ABS(XAVGC3 - XAVGC8) - 2 * (XAVGC13))) / 4) / ((XAVGC3 + XAVGC8 - ABS(XAVGC3 - XAVGC8) + 2 * (XAVGC13) - ABS(XAVGC3 + XAVGC8 - ABS(XAVGC3 - XAVGC8) - 2 * (XAVGC13))) / 4) - 100
You can add a < or <= and a value to the end if you want to set a specific threshold. You may wish to review the following:
Create your own stock rankings using WatchLists and Sort conditions Min Max PCFs
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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