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Registered User Joined: 1/3/2005 Posts: 11
Hi, I am trying to make a PCF with bollinger %B with a bollinger average of 5 and a stdv of 1. How can I get the pcf with the rule that the %B closes below 0.2 for three days or more?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Please try the following:
(C - AVGC5) / SQR(ABS(C ^ 2 + C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 - 5 * AVGC5 ^ 2) / 4) / 2 + .5 < .2 AND (C1 - AVGC5.1) / SQR(ABS(C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 - 5 * AVGC5.1 ^ 2) / 4) / 2 + .5 < .2 AND (C2 - AVGC5.2) / SQR(ABS(C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 + C6 ^ 2 - 5 * AVGC5.2 ^ 2) / 4) / 2 + .5 < .2
You may wish to review the following:
How to create a Personal Criteria Forumula (PCF) Modelling Bollinger Bands (& Standard Deviation) in a TC PCF Handy PCF example formulas to help you learn the syntax of PCFs! PCF Formula Descriptions
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/3/2005 Posts: 11
Thank you very much, that works excellent. Could you also provide me with the PCF for: The smoothed RSI2 from today < smoothed RSI2 from yesterday?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Please try the following:
((C > C1) * (C1 - C) + .5 * ((C1 > C2) * (C2 - C1) + .5 * ((C2 > C3) * (C3 - C2) + .5 * ((C3 > C4) * (C4 - C3) + .5 * ((C4 > C5) * (C5 - C4) + .5 * ((C5 > C6) * (C6 - C5) + .5 * ((C6 > C7) * (C7 - C6) + .5 * ((C7 > C8) * (C8 - C7) + .5 * ((C8 > C9) * (C9 - C8) + .5 * ((C9 > C10) * (C10 - C9) + .5 * ((C10 > C11) * (C11 - C10) + .5 * ((C11 > C12) * (C12 - C11) + .5 * ((C12 > C13) * (C13 - C12) + .5 * ((C13 > C14) * (C14 - C13))))))))))))))) / (ABS(C - C1) + .5 * (ABS(C1 - C2) + .5 * (ABS(C2 - C3) + .5 * (ABS(C3 - C4) + .5 * (ABS(C4 - C5) + .5 * (ABS(C5 - C6) + .5 * (ABS(C6 - C7) + .5 * (ABS(C7 - C8) + .5 * (ABS(C8 - C9) + .5 * (ABS(C9 - C10) + .5 * (ABS(C10 - C11) + .5 * (ABS(C11 - C12) + .5 * (ABS(C12 - C13) + .5 * (ABS(C13 - C14))))))))))))))) < ((C1 > C2) * (C2 - C1) + .5 * ((C2 > C3) * (C3 - C2) + .5 * ((C3 > C4) * (C4 - C3) + .5 * ((C4 > C5) * (C5 - C4) + .5 * ((C5 > C6) * (C6 - C5) + .5 * ((C6 > C7) * (C7 - C6) + .5 * ((C7 > C8) * (C8 - C7) + .5 * ((C8 > C9) * (C9 - C8) + .5 * ((C9 > C10) * (C10 - C9) + .5 * ((C10 > C11) * (C11 - C10) + .5 * ((C11 > C12) * (C12 - C11) + .5 * ((C12 > C13) * (C13 - C12) + .5 * ((C13 > C14) * (C14 - C13) + .5 * ((C14 > C15) * (C15 - C14))))))))))))))) / (ABS(C1 - C2) + .5 * (ABS(C2 - C3) + .5 * (ABS(C3 - C4) + .5 * (ABS(C4 - C5) + .5 * (ABS(C5 - C6) + .5 * (ABS(C6 - C7) + .5 * (ABS(C7 - C8) + .5 * (ABS(C8 - C9) + .5 * (ABS(C9 - C10) + .5 * (ABS(C10 - C11) + .5 * (ABS(C11 - C12) + .5 * (ABS(C12 - C13) + .5 * (ABS(C13 - C14) + .5 * (ABS(C14 - C15)))))))))))))))
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/3/2005 Posts: 11
Thanks a lot Bruce!

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You're welcome.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 12/18/2004 Posts: 44
Hi Bruce How about PCF for %B using std settings of 20,2,0 with readings of 1.0, 0.5, 0.0 showing on the right side of the window. %B=1.0 where price exactly on Upper Band %B=0.5 " " Middle Band %B=0.0 " " Lower Band I intend to sort them by exact value.
Using the PCF provided from this site, i am able to plot BWI ( band width index)which matches exactly as those generated by others (Stockcharts) But the readings on the right side of the indicator are completely different. TC gives reading of 0.051 to 0.147 Stockcharts " 1.5 to 4.0 , both using same setting (20,2,0) on CSCO today. Can TC readings be changed to match those in stockcharts for easier interpretation? Thank you so much jfisamm

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
jfisamm, The formula would be:
(C - AVGC20) / SQR(ABS(C ^ 2 + C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 + C6 ^ 2 + C7 ^ 2 + C8 ^ 2 + C9 ^ 2 + C10 ^ 2 + C11 ^ 2 + C12 ^ 2 + C13 ^ 2 + C14 ^ 2 + C15 ^ 2 + C16 ^ 2 + C17 ^ 2 + C18 ^ 2 + C19 ^ 2 - 20 * AVGC20 ^ 2) / 19) / 4 + .5
You can use this as a Personal Criteria Formula or use Indicator Sorting on a Custom Indicator to get sorts using exact values:
Create your own stock rankings using WatchLists and Sort conditions Plotting Custom Indicators with Examples Sorting price and indicators by their Actual Value
I do not know a practical automated method to force the desired scaling or lines in TeleChart. It is possible to specify the scaling and set Value Pointers in Blocks.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/1/2005 Posts: 2,645
The PCF given by Bruce is correct for TeleChart. For all other charting services (as far as I know) including StockCharts, the "/19" must be replaced by "/20".
Thanks, Jim Murphy

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
jfisamm, This (/19 vs /20) is discussed in more detail in the Modelling Bollinger Bands (& Standard Deviation) in a TC PCF post referenced in my first reply in this topic.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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