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Profile: Steve_S
User Name: Steve_S
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Incorrect Earnings Data
Posted: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 11:25:04 AM

I am posting this here as there is no forum I could find specific to version 16 as I was just searching the forums in hopes to find some support in this issue. I read that for earnings data it is a rolling process as companies report earnings from an earlier post, so I decided to check back after the next quarter. This issue is still not resolved and now seems worse.  Here is an example of earnings showing in TC2000 right now for TAST. As you can see it says next earnings on 3/3/2017. Next earnings are actually 5/10/2016. Last earnings was on 3/03/16 - so TC2000 is showing the last reported earnings date as next earnings date, but it can't even get the last reported date correct and is off by a whole year. It was also stated that TC2000 gets data from morningstar, I checked morningstar and even a free account shows the correct date. So after reporting earnings, this should have been updated according to the support post, yet it isn't and is also wrong. This is just one example. I have found that easily 8 out of 10 stocks I look at have incorrect dates for earnings meaning that other data such as EPS % changes, Growth Rate, etc is way off. This greatly diminishes the value of TC2000 and is incredibly disappointing.  Any guidance on how to approach this, if a fix is being looked at......anything would be greatly appreciated.

Topic: Morningstar fundamental data one quarter behind?
Posted: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 11:10:58 AM

I was just searching the forums in hopes to find some support in this issue. I read that for earnings data it is a rolling process as companies report earnings from an earlier post, so I decided to check back after the next quarter. This issue is still not resolved and now seems worse.  Here is an example of earnings showing in TC2000 right now for TAST. As you can see it says next earnings on 3/3/2017. Next earnings is actually 5/10/2016. Last earnings was on 3/03/16 - so TC2000 is showing the last reported earnings date as next earnings date, but it can't even get the last reported date correct and is off by a whole year. It was also stated that TC2000 gets data from morningstar, I checked morningstar and even a free account shows the correct date. Any guidance on how to approach this, if a fix is being looked at......anything would be greatly appreciated.

Topic: 60 mins & 120 mins bars close incorrectly followup
Posted: Friday, February 5, 2016 1:11:36 PM

As a new user of TC2000 I find it a huge disappointment and let down on what was a software package I was really enjoying. A decision on if TC2000 is going to make a change or continue drawing hourly charts in this fashion should be communicated to the community that pay for this software. Whether it is a bug, intentional design, a technical limitation of the software, or has just always been the case is not as important as communication on whether or not this will be changed, and a timeline for doing so. I don't understand what the reasoning behind using a different time to close hour candles then every other platform is.

I have mostly been a user of eSignal and ThinkorSwim, but have used many different platforms. I recently just started with TC2000 and was investigating whether or not to use the TC2000 brokerage so I can trade from within TC2000. As I was scanning on hour candles charts something seemed way off and I noticed the times on the candles. A quick google search led me not only here, but to many other websites where traders gather. I was amazed at how many people out there flat out refuse to use TC2000 because of this issue.

This is a major barrier in TC2000’s success with attracting customers to using the brokerage and trading from within the platform. 

Changing the times that the bars close, not only would help the current user base, it would attract more customers for TC2000 and the brokerage. It would also communicate to current users that TC2000's administration cares about the quality of its product and is willing to address the concerns of its community.

By closing the hourly candles in a different time then every other charting package, including free ones, it gives a dramatically different picture of price action to TC2000 users. This makes it impossible to trade 60min charts. Hammers, haramis, dojis all appear incorrectly.

Having bars/candles close at a different time also ensures that a user of TC2000 will receive a different and later trade signal by a half hour.

The attached picture shows a comparison of ThinkorSwim and TC2000 for YHOO covering the exact same time on hourly candles. The differences in the overall price picture are dramatic to say the least.

Thank you for continuing to look into this and open communication on how TC2000 plans to move forward.