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Profile: FC
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Linear Regression Channel
Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 3:34:33 PM
Ok this does get a bit merky: I am a Platinum member on a MAC. While I have Stock Finder feed for data, am not running the program. So, if I understand you correctly: a) TC 12 version only has a drawing tool Linear Regression, and no plan to add it to indicators.b) Stock Finder has it in a programmable way, however on MAC not workable. There are also some other quirks with MAC in bug fix mode.So, bottom line: I can use Linear Regression in T12 is either the single line - Indicator I can use the Regression Drawing tool and either lock it to charts and/or adjust it manuallyIs this correct?The last question then is can I scan Linear Regression off my watch list? If not do you have a comparable idea/suggestion for me to scan watch lists for 1 and 2 % deviations?Thanks for your help
Topic: Linear Regression Channel
Posted: Monday, November 7, 2011 9:34:19 PM
Thank you Bruce. Perhaps I am a little tired. I cannot use Linear Regression channels in TC2000, but I can in Stock Finder? I am new to Wordens products: Is Stock Finder an add on to TC2000 or a completely different charting program? Do I need both? Or is a one or the other? Happy to have both, just now confused as to how to get to Linear Regression channels as I described and even better to be able to scan on them.Your thoughts/ Help?BEstFrank
Topic: Linear Regression Channel
Posted: Monday, November 7, 2011 3:38:51 PM
Hello there: I am new to your program. I signed up for one reason, and that is the ability to have Linear Regression Channels in any time period. (an indicator not a drawing tool). Now the chap at the 'show' was able to do this, however in talking to Tech support, it seems you have a Regression Line as an indicator and/or Regression channels drawing tool, however drawing tools are subjective and I do not wish to use subjective L/R lines.I have this in Options Express, and am told your wizard programmers can help me re create this as an indicator:The Linear Regression Channel: 100% displays lines that are two standard deviations above and below the Linear Regression Line.The Linear Regression Channel: 50% displays lines that are one standard deviation above and below the Linear Regression Line.I usually have both these on at the same time. In OX I can see them in any time frame, and they adjust to the time frame. As time is precious when scanning, this would be extremely useful.Can you help here? If you'd like, I will forward the chart from OptionsXpress if that helps you see what I mean.Much appreciated is a speedy reply