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Profile: baquilesb
User Name: baquilesb
Groups: Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Last Visit: Sunday, December 7, 2008 10:17:21 PM
Number of Posts: 37
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Market Analysis ll
Posted: Monday, December 1, 2008 5:32:38 PM
Just stopping by to let you know I will no longer be able to post to this thread.
Moderators and I have come to some aggreements, and I will have to start fresh under Bigblock's domain again.
The market analysis thread will be continued on part III as soon as my original name is reinstated.
See you there.
Topic: Market Analysis ll
Posted: Sunday, November 30, 2008 12:35:02 AM

Awshuck I haven't had time to check on this yet - probably on Monday.  I will give you some feed back when I check it a little closer.
The liitle time I had today I spent it answering to you know who.  What a waste of time.

Take care.
Topic: Market Analysis ll
Posted: Sunday, November 30, 2008 12:30:49 AM
QUOTE (Fastpaw)

This is true; it is when he spits at others who also hold true to their beliefs that you have problems. You seem to be able to discuss without provocation because you have a grasp of the English language. You do not currently have a fan base of haters that gather on other forums.

I actually agree 100% with you. In order to succeed one must be passionate; if they wish to discuss their passion on an open forum then it might help to not berate those that you wish to convince.

Any way you are correct about the parallels between 1929 and now on some levels. It was a distorted view of prosperity, bad lending and banking practices that led to both situations.

If you are referring to VSA - that may be :"your true belief".  To this day and forever now VSA is flawed.  AS a general concept that it was flawed wasn't difficult to see to some one with an ounce of brain and some average experience daytrading, and trading in general.  The system doesn't separate the institutional from the retailer  - that was easy to see even at the real time level.

Do you think that I actually stopped studying the VSA issue when all went away.  A college of mine whom I worked with in collaboration of this comcept was able to come up with the necessary  math, and algorithm to do just that.  He is a mathematician and software engineer with more time in his hands that I had.  Those transactions can be separated now, and there will be a book written on it.
That is all I going to tell you since I like you so much - you go now and do your research.
The system will be available in my domain soon, along with the book and futher material - keep checking.
Topic: Market Analysis ll
Posted: Sunday, November 30, 2008 12:16:27 AM
QUOTE (Fastpaw)

I grow to like you Awshucks, BB and Apsll could have benefited from yours and Dicemans "discourse". Diceman with his ever controlled disposition and yourself with your direct interrogation for reality. Neither side feeling the need to discredit the other. Why you have formed such a tight weld with BB escapes me, but I am sure that you have your reasons.

Try and teach him how to debate with out embarrassing himself.

Hey Apsll don't put words in the mouth of others.  As far as I am concerned I benefit from nothing here.  I come here to try to help and express my ideas.  I never take from the board any advice.  I mostly provide listen to some and ocassionally I am granted an extra perspective out of my own reasoning - but that is all.
I do the thinking on my own, and make decisions on my own.  Have you ever thought that may be the reason that holds tight welds among grown men who can think for themselves.
Probably not I do not think you have reached that level yet.

As far as I am concerned my debate is just fine - that is until you come around with your sick intentions trying to derail what is clearly firm.  I know all you are trying to do is banned me again, but you have a long way to go this time fellow.  I think that just as the moderator have recently ban you (as user "jukebox", they are going to continue to do so because they are getting the drift of your sick intentions.

You don't  come here to debate, you come here to destroy.

Topic: Market Analysis ll
Posted: Sunday, November 30, 2008 12:04:53 AM
QUOTE (Fastpaw)

Well Awshucks you just proved one thing; that you are not BB. He will need an interpreter to make out half of what you are saying, and it was him that launched attacks against Diceman and not you. So you have my apology.

You are also correct that this is not the venue for such an artisan, one should not be stifled in their discourse; maybe tact is more what I had in mind although this still might cut across your grain, it might create balance so that more members might want to join in on the discussion. I do not disagree; of course if you feel that our way of life is threatened and that too many turn away or capitulate than speak up. I guess that my issues are more with "BB" or whoever he is today. I use the word tact again and although you are not bound by its curtsies some like to take advantage of its benefit, they feel that it helps to lubricate the complicated moving parts of communication. You have made it very clear however that this tool is not to be used on your artistic canvas so lets just leave it at that.

You are right we live in a free nation were common curtsies are not enforced.


Atacked Diceman?  What are you his angel gurdian.  And even if you were - who attacked the poor man? I only said he sounded as if he had some indigestion - what  is the attack?  Others feel the same way.  All the guy does anyways is whine about something.  Like some one has said - "methinks there is more of gravy than the grave about the Diceman these days ".  I had the same impression for a long time now.
Nonetheless I think I given Diceman little hard time.  I must say I like his poetry - that is all. 

And just to clarify - no matter which name I am forced to take here because of  the board's  managers who are sick and tire of the many whinings that some of you provided, and had no other choice but to banned in an effort to stop the nonsense whining of supposely real guys who althought claim to be real traders in brutal markets - CANNOT stand little heat on a posting board. 
The person behind the writin is always the same.  I am NOT trying to hide behind a different name for some sick and vicious purposes.  I am forced to do so.  If given back my real name (Bigblock) on this board  - I take it any day. 

About courtesy - look who is talking about courtesy?
Topic: Market Analysis ll
Posted: Saturday, November 29, 2008 11:42:36 PM
QUOTE (Fastpaw)

Awshucks and achuiles"bb" you guys are a riot "although I am not sure that you are truly separate entities. Maybe you should get a room and figure that one out. It is so easy to watch all these biased utube vids and pandering pundants and feel that you have the right stuff to play armchair quarterback. We all know that the government screwed us over and they had the perfect idiot in the white house that made everything so easy. So many dogs being waged that corporate America could finally get their payday.

We were all told that we learned our lessons from the 1929 market crash. Well at least we did not make those mistakes again; we just made a whole bunch of new ones.

If you read Diceman November 21 post he makes good sense there about the technicals "they work until they don't work" well it is the same thing with the economy. I am getting sick of reading your biased opinions as though you have the pulse of the world under your index finger and all those that oppose your thoughts had better go back to school. You are like the schoolyard bullies that think you are untouchable until someone like Diceman comes around to put you in your place, it is clear by your personal attacks that have gone un-answered by him. (A true person of integrity). 

You guys are just like everyone else, you have no clue where the markets are going, you have no clue how long it will take to clean up this mess that the current administration has allowed to take place on their watch.

I am sure that in predictable form you will both follow up with attacks against my words but keep in mind that this is not a schoolyard.

So what your name got banned again aH! Apsll???  Now we have - what was it? Fastpaw.  Ok Fastpaw /Apsll.

I am not sure who got screwed here - the goverment didn't surelly screw me - but I can tell you I screwed them over more than a thousand times shorting with pride all the investments bank, banks, and everything else I could shoot within my reach.  Another fortune has been made.  As I said before I find bear markets to be at least 3 times more profitable than bull markets for me.  That is not to say that I find no profits in bull markets, but I find no pride in screwing those who explode the essense of this country - your government.

By the way, I told you over a yr ago - exactly on Nov 2007 what was about to happen.  Just because you didn't want to listen doesn't mean that me as well as other weren't right.  WE WERE.  If you choose not to listen, then we weren't but thanks god that was only in your mind - not in reality.  Just as expected because you DON'T HAVE a CLUE - doesn't mean noone else has it.

This ins not to attack you as you already told us that we would, but to let you know that all you do when you show up around here is either complain, or ATACK others.  You have not really contributed in a positive way in a long, long time - since I shut down your VSA Nonsense.

Topic: PUTS-How to program Telechart (or Stock Finder) to finD GOOD PUT candidates.
Posted: Friday, November 28, 2008 2:34:30 PM

Lets just be clear here - telechart contains no options information or way to process them.

You need to find diferent software or service to do that.  I would provide you a couple of places, but I am sure the moderator will be quick to erase.  Just google options and spend some good time browsing.

As I recall - I provided URLs in the past for just this - try to search the board.

Topic: Market Analysis ll
Posted: Friday, November 28, 2008 2:30:35 PM
Awshucks - easy!  Diceman is just probably having some turkey indigestion issues.  I am sure he will work them out in a couple of days with some laxatives help, and some warm broth.
Topic: FNM
Posted: Friday, November 28, 2008 2:26:12 PM

Today it close at 1.27 - that is ????  about 400% up from the low of .31 just a few days ago.
Still waiting??

Topic: Market Analysis ll
Posted: Friday, November 28, 2008 2:23:51 PM
"The supports we recently fell to and broke into (before ramping a little ) are, mathematically, the same supports broken down upon in 1974."


Welcome back Awshucks,  yes BB here - but keep it quite for now until I can get my name back.
Anyways, I guess I was a little confused by the quoted comment above in you initial post.
Same supports as in 1974?  How is that?