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Weighted Quarters Rate this Topic:
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Posted : Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:32:56 PM
Platinum Customer Platinum Customer

Joined: 3/31/2006
Posts: 3,207

The Weighted quarters ranking indicators that you created I have it set at buy > 80 and sell <80.

If you are backtesting this condition by it self on a watchlist that has 1000 stocks shouldn't the strategy count line be at 200 since it suppose to buy the top 20% of the stocks out of the 1000. I understand that all of the 1000 stocks in the watchlist may have not been around for the entire test period but when I run a test the strategy count line at times goes way above and below 20% of the stocks that are part of the watchlist at that time.

You also created an indicator that plots the number of the stocks in your watchlist on a daily basis called Active Watchlist count so I can see how the number of the stocks in the watchlist changed over time. This is how I know that it goes way above and below 20%. How is that possible?
Posted : Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:48:00 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138
The Ranked Weighted Quarters Strategy Condition is versus whatever Watchlist is specified using QuickEdit (I believe it was written with US Stocks as Watchlist for this) . It will only produce 200 items for a 1000 item Watchlist if the Active Watchlist and the Watchlist specified in the Strategy Condition are the same. Even in this case, it compares the value to the Value computed at the given Percentile Rank. If more than one item has this same value, they will all qualify (ties are included, not excluded).

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