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Profile: TrilionDolarMan
User Name: TrilionDolarMan
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Joined: Thursday, October 7, 2004
Last Visit: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:05:47 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: OK...gotta start over here, but we're making progress
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:43:48 PM
By Jove...I think Bruce_L has done it!

I DID say that I have a FEEBLE mind, right?

Anyone who could not toggle the "Market Rank" button on his column MUST have a feeble mind...and I do!

EXCELLENT day on the Worden.com Discussion thread.

Much obliged -- ur a good man, Bruce! Thanks!!

Topic: OK...gotta start over here, but we're making progress
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 12:26:41 PM
I can get the columns going across by making my own PDF's staggerd by the time frames I indicate...

in other words, 1 week look back is:


etc...for 21 days (a month) and 63 days (3 months)....

HOWEVER, that's no good. I'd like each time frame in some sort of RELATIVE RANK percentile, like a formula, but I need to have each time frame visible simultaneously in columns, so I can see the relative progress of each symbol in the list.

For example, using the pcf's I indicate above...I show that MG851 is up by 80.58% over the last 6 months. Shifting that by 5 days back, 21 days back, and 63 days back, I get 48%, 42% and 51%, evidently, but that does me no good.

I need to convert each time frame into a RELATIVE RANK PERCENTILE of some type.

????? TDM
Topic: OK...gotta start over here, but we're making progress
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 12:19:32 PM
I wanted RS sort...and I got it, thank you. But, being a greedy human, now I'd like to VERBATIM replicate the IBD newspaper sort of industry groups.

Here's what I need:

1. Rank sort by 6 month price change

-- we have that already in a system sort, formula is: 100*(C-C126)/C126

2. Rank of rank sort by 6 month price change ONE WEEK AGO.

3. Rank of rank sort by 6 month price change THREE MONTHS AGO

My feeble mind cannot figure out the math/forumla to keep all those 3 sorts in the same realtive scale, so as to be meaningful.

It does no good to know that something went up 20% over the last week, and 80% over the last 3 months.

I want to know the RANK ORDER or what changed price by how much this week....and I want to know what that same rank order looked like ONE WEEK AGO... and 3 MONTHS ago...so I can see what is moving up or down in relative 6 month price change rank over that time

I can get that at IBD, and I'm convinced I can make it happen at TC.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Topic: Relative Strength scan over time NOT POSSIBLE at TC-NET, same as IBD industry group rankings?
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:07:16 AM
Yes, Bruce!

I think it's going to work, and is DEFINITELY worth the "price" of admission to the thread.

I BELIEVE, but I'm not sure, that I now have the wherewithal to fairly well replicate the IBD-style sort at TC, as follows:

Firstly I use the above RS formula (in the threat, from TC help file) for a 5 day lookback, to establish the RS rank for the current WEEK.

((C/latest SP-500 close NUMBER)/(C#dayslookback/SP-500 close NUMBER@ days lookback))

From there I want only the RS at the EXACT point in time of the lookback, not over the entire period.

So, I simply use (C5/SP500 value)*100 (the multiplier is not important, save to get the value high enough to register), then C21 and C63 to get the lookback 5 days ago, 1 month ago, and 3 months ago.

I think it's going to work, but I'll hold off posting this note until I see that it does....

YES...it does....with one caveat. In attempting, as is necessary, to get the lookback to an exact point in time, I'm looking at the stock price/SP500 price AT THAT TIME, but not in a relative ratio. Hence, my 1 week RS scan will sort the entire market by "current position" but the other time frames give DIFFERENT number ranges, depending on the price of the stock vs. the SP500. In other words....a $100 stock yields quite a different number range than a $10 stock -- but, since I compare 4 fields across the TC watch list...it's the whether that number is rising or falling for each stock over each time frame that I need to know.

Bottom line: it works.

MUCH OBLIGED for solving a 6 year old problem!!!!

Topic: Indexes in PCF's
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:09:23 AM
GREAT thread, guys.....I'm going to work on this...it may solve HALF my problem, the automation thereof being the other half....which is perhaps insolvable at TC at present. But, at least this is progress for moi. Thanks.
Topic: Relative Strength scan over time NOT POSSIBLE at TC-NET, same as IBD industry group rankings?
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:04:59 AM
Hmm, Thanks Bruce. Well, fwiw, at least that the best answer I've ever gotten on the question. I guess I'll have to go keep a spreadcheat on it...

Thanks for the reply, tho!
Topic: Relative Strength scan over time NOT POSSIBLE at TC-NET, same as IBD industry group rankings?
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:55:22 AM
Geez...some guy posts 20 minutes AFTER me, and gets 107 views and 9 replies....I get 8 views and ZERO replies.

Is it my aftershave?
Topic: Relative Strength scan over time NOT POSSIBLE at TC-NET, same as IBD industry group rankings?
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:39:14 AM

Relative Strength 1 yr. (vs. SP500)

If it is possible as a system sort, it MUST be possible as a pcf, right?

C'mon, guys SOMEBODY has GOT to know how to do it...

Topic: Relative Strength scan over time NOT POSSIBLE at TC-NET, same as IBD industry group rankings?
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:29:03 AM
Dear Sirs/Madames:

I've been wrestling with this almost since starting my subscrip. to TC 6+ years ago, and I've failed to solve the problem on two attempts so far, but, with all the improvements to TC in the interim, there has GOT to be a solution now, right?

How is it that TC has only ONE pre-fab, non-editable PCF for RELATIVE STRENGTH vs. SP500 (a 1 year time frame is the only one available at TC, it's a system PCF, and non-editable)?

I need (we ALL need, imho) the same sorting capability as what is in IBD newspaper for industry groups every day: A running RELATIVE STRENGTH vs. SP500 (or any other benchmark; should be customizable) over any time frame I want.

Furthermore, it should be set up the same as the RSI pcf at TC, where you can check it for any point in time BACKWARDS. I need to know what was ranked where as of a day ago, a week ago, 3 months ago, etc....NOT how it has done over that entire duration of time. I need to know if a stock or group is PROGRESSING up or down in Relative Strength compared to other issues. And this should be applicable to all TC symbols, including the MG groups and sectors.

The formula for the 1 year PCF at TC is as follows, from your help file:

Relative Strength 1-Yr (vs SP-500)

The relative change in price of a stock over the past year compared to the change in the SP-500 over the same time. The calculation is : (Latest Close Price of Stock / Latest Close Price of SP-500) / (Close Price of Stock 1 year ago / Close Price of SP-500 1 year ago) * 100.

How do I duplicate this formula in my own PCF, and using a 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, etc. time frame?

Thank you.
