Does the TC2000 data allow a user to calculate the exact # (number) of trades over a given time period ?? And also the average volume per trade over this same tiime period ??
Would like to be able to calculate the change ( % or net ) in both the # of trades or in the average volume per trade say , over a 5 day period. A good way to tell if + how the Market Sentiment is shifting/changing
on a specific stock .For example, the specific change in the average volume per trade per period is more telling than the broader change in average volume per period.
If this data is not already available in TC2000 shame on you !! Please add it soon, next revision !!
Are there industry-based ETF's which contain the same/similar company stocks as those contained in each of the (31) MorningStar Main Industry groups ?? I would like to sort through such Industry-based ETF's.And likewise sort through the MorningStar Main Industry groups. And then be able to compare the results of these two separate sorts against one another.
Thanks in advance for your detailed response to this question.
Please see the previous post which I submitted last week on 11/24/2006. Would much appreciate your response to addressing/correcting this TC data problem. Merci beaucoup en avance! Jamie
When I sort the "All Stocks" watchlist by the sort criterion "Percent Shares Held by Institutions". There are 471 stocks (approx. 7% of All Stocks) which do not have any value indicated. All the rest of the stocks do correctly have a percent value ranging from 0.00 to 100.00. As a simple matter of logic, any stock must have at the very least (0.00%), or at the very most (100.00%), or somewhere in between. Hence my question. What is wrong with the TC data? Why are values missing for these 471 stocks??
Please also note. There is a similar disparity in the TC data. When you sort the "All Stocks" watchlist by the sort criterion "Percent Shares Held by Insiders".
Looking forward to your clarification/correction of this problem as needed. Jamie
Hello + Help In TCNet with real-time, is it possible to formulate a PCF or Custom Indicator that will compare today's total volume at 1:00 p.m. to the daily average total volume at 1:00 p.m. over the past month as of yesterday? Merci beaucoup !
Here is where you will find the confusing last sentence. In Telechart >Help >Online Help Files .Then in the Search field type "Short Interest Ratio". >Criteria Descriptions.Then scroll down to the definition given.
I find it strange and inconsistent that this is considered a fundamental condition. Share volume has always been an integral + important technical analysis condition in Telechart. And the number of "short interest shares" are merely another form of volume data.
Thanks for your response! It helps. But incomplete. I assume "currently" means daily. Thus the total number of shares currently shorted is updated + available daily as EOD data. And likewise the ratio is recalculated and updated daily. Is this correct? What is the period TC uses to calculate the "average"? Please fully explain what the last sentence in the definition means!
The definition for this criteria states "short interest shares divided by average daily volume..." How long a time period is used to calculate the average? I called Worden Tech. They told me the latest short interest ratio is available as End Of Day Data. And told me that the ratio was today's short interest shares divided by the short interest shares on the day one month ago. I guess they based their confusing interpretation on the last sentence "Latest month as reported by the Exchanges". What does this mean? Please clarify all this confusion!!
Craig, You apparently forgot to include the Days Ago Parameter in the 5vs10 4 days ago PCF above. It should read AVGC5.4/AVGC10.4*100 Merci beaucoup
Craig, Yes.But that Custom Indicator is still a somewhat limited solution. Since it is limited to a real-time sort of no more than a maximum of 200 ticker symbols. Whereas the proposed Volume Percent Change - RT sort feature would not suffer any such limitation. And could even easily sort through an "All Stocks" Watchlist. Merci beaucoup