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Profile: danielbender
User Name: danielbender
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Joined: Saturday, January 14, 2006
Last Visit: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 12:23:46 AM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: New Code Request
Posted: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 12:21:44 AM

Bruce - thank you - Dan

Topic: New Code Request
Posted: Friday, March 1, 2019 5:58:44 PM


1. Something is still incorrect.  Out of 6300 optionable stocks today, only 3 show as gap-downs: CSBR, ASSG, and NLY.  However, none of them are gap-downs.

2.  Is it possible to speed up the algorithm so that only the first bar is analyzed for stocks with no gap-up or gap-down? Simply set Plot = 0 to for these, and it is not necessary to look at bars two through 15. Since a vast majority of stocks are not gap-ups or gap-downs, that should speed up the algorithm significantly. 

Thanks .. have a great weekend.




Topic: New Code Request
Posted: Friday, March 1, 2019 11:21:53 AM


The formula seems to work for gap-ups, but 1) it does not identify any actual gap-downs, and 2) misidentifies some gap-ups as gap-downs, e.g., NFLX today >> plot = -1.03.  

The idea is to find gap-ups with subsequent bars that break to the upside (long trades), and gap-downs, with subsequent bars that break to the downside (short trades).


Topic: New Code Request
Posted: Thursday, February 28, 2019 3:24:10 PM


On the first bar, I just need to know if the gap is up or down compared to yesterdays close, there has to be a gap between yesterdays close and the low on gap up (or high on gap down) of the first bar. 

On the second bar, it has to be an engulfing candle.

On subsequent bars, the high (or low) is ONLY compared to the second bar high (or low). 

Thanks.. Dan

Topic: New Code Request
Posted: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 4:49:25 PM


line b should read

b) 2nd 1 minute bar is engulfing candle of 1st one minute bar, ie, high(2) > high(1) AND low(2) < low(1) AND

Topic: New Code Request
Posted: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 4:47:14 PM


Thanks for your rapid response.  I see I need to modify the algorithm.

a) 1st minute bar is a gap up or gap down from yesterday&#39;s close AND

b) 2nd 1 minute bar is engulfing candle of 1st one minute bar, ie, high(2) > high(1) AND low(2) < low(2) < low(1) AND

c) IF a AND b are true, analyze 3rd through 15th bar

           IF High(n) > High(2) AND 1st bar was gap up, THEN PLOT = 1+bar/100 else

           IF Low(n) < Low(2) and 1st bar was gap down, THEN PLOT = -1-bar/100

d) If a AND b AND c not true, PLOT=0.

e) After bar 15, Freeze PLOT at value of 1st bar when a AND b AND c are true, otherwise PLOT = 0.

Thanks again for your patience.  Dan

Topic: New Code Request
Posted: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 1:40:08 AM


Would you please code the following algorithm.

Thank you ... Dan


BarCount = number of 1 minute bars beginning at start of trading day
Set Plot(1)=0 for 1st 1 minute bar
If plot(currentbar-1) <> 0, Plot(barcount) = Plot(Barcount -1) (ie, freeze all future plot values at 1st non-zero value)
a) If 2nd one minute bar is engulfing candle of 1st one minute bar & any one of 15 subsequent bars breaks the top of the 2nd one minute bar, then set Plot = 1 + Barcount/100. 
b) If 2nd one minute bar is engulfing candle of 1st one minute bar & any one of 15 subsequent bars breaks the bottom of the 2nd one minute bar, then set plot= -1 - Barcount/100.
c) Otherwise Plot = 0. 
d) If barcount > 15, stop algorithm (do not analyze or waste CPU Power), set Plot=Plot(15)


Topic: Code Not Compiling
Posted: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 1:11:30 PM

thank you... Dan

Topic: Code Not Compiling
Posted: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 12:18:03 PM

Hello Bruce

As usual, I need your coding expertise.  The following code is not compiling.  Please debug. 

Thanks ... Dan

If(Price.MaxHigh(10.1) - Price.MinLow(10.1)) / Price.MinLow(10, 1) > 0.10 And_
Price.Netchange(1, 1)<0 And Price.close>Price.open Then 
Plot = 1
ElseIf (Price.MaxHigh(10.1) - Price.MinLow(10.1)) / Price.MinLow(10, 1) > 0.10 and_
Price.Netchange(1, 1) > 0) And Price.close < Price.open) Then 
Plot = -1
Plot = 0 
End If
Topic: Minimize Sorting Time for an Indicator
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 5:23:34 PM

Bruce,  If I did not have SMI indicator in the indicator, could I limit the amount of data backtested?