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Profile: Cathyb00
User Name: Cathyb00
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Topic: New Mac version of TC2000 at last?
Posted: Thursday, November 15, 2018 4:29:52 PM

QUOTE (Bruce_L)

If it does actually allow us to leverage our existing code to make a native Mac version, than I am sure we will do so. That said, while there is core support, there do appear to be limitations and I really don't want to speculate as to if this release is going to be enough to allow us to release a native Mac version or how long it will take to do so if we can.

Surely there are enough poeple these days who can code for a Mac. As Macs have been around for many years. I agree that we pay the same amount as the Windows people and shouldn't have to pay more to have additions put on our computer to take up space and cost. Also If this post is a year old and you have recently said that probably before xmas that we might have the Mac version ??? Is this true or just a pacifier you give everybody. You also gave not warning to your clients ...who pay you dor a service which I couldn't use last night and had trades on! Not happy. Please give the TRUTH wheather you are actually in the process of a Macs version or not??? As I don't want to be hanging waiting for a lie. Maybe get some professional people who can code for Mac so the process may be a little faster.