I missed the DC training a few months ago. Where can I get the notes/recording of that day or a more recent one from another city?
Can I chart option data suc as OPEN INTEREST or Delta or Implied Volatility?
I look at this indicator along with 5 bar vol surge to find relative strenght stocks that are getting increased volume. But I am not sure what the "market" reference is for the indicator - If I plot it against the SPY as a proxy for the "market" it is much more variable than I would expect. Can you educate me on what is the reference "market" or tell me how to create a custom indicator that is similar where I can pick the "market" (perhaps the SPY or perhaps the Industry Group, or perhaps a specific sector ETF).
Actually three questions:
1 - can I search through all of my notes to find stocks that I have typed a particular key word like "never trade again" or "Trade Open"?
Also, in some previous version (perhaps when I was platinum) I could comment on older notes - I don't see this option any more?
Finally, will it ever be possible to EDIT a note rather than just delete it?
Thanks, Fred
Can I use a PCF to create a column with the annualized return to selling a put -- the formula is essentially Put Bid/Underlying Price/Days to Expiration*365
Thanks, Fred
P.S., A related Question - can i then find what I call the probable return by then multiplying this figure by the Delta of the option?
I would like to sort a group of stocks by the percentage change in the Short Interest (which only updates every 2 weeks and then is sort of backdated to the change date) and or the Short Percentage of Float. I know when it is updated so that doesn't bother me, but how can I refer to either one in a formula?
thanks for the help, Fred
I was trying out the Memor Of feature and I thought it would inlcude ALL watchlists the stock is a member of including Personal Watch Lists - it doesn't seem to work that way? Can you please get that added. I still use the Control M featuer to see what lists I have put a stock in. Perhaps the new Member Of feature could group the lists into System and Personal Watchlists - preferably with Personal at the top?
When will the mobile version work on an iPad?
Does anyone know how to have FSC jump to the symbol automatically. Ideally, what I would like to do is have an all-elements watchlist open in FSC (rather than a chart) and have it jump to that symbol when I open the FSC tab in SF 5.0 so that I can see data columns on things like YIELD and LATEST SHORT INTEREST and a few other of the fundamental column data elements that are not available in SF50 unless I am a Platinum user. Thanks
Where should we put the .bTool files?