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Profile: gordonerlebach
User Name: gordonerlebach
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Friday, September 7, 2012
Last Visit: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 7:56:47 AM
Number of Posts: 34
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Viewing my PCF and indicator list
Posted: Sunday, October 14, 2018 4:24:29 PM


I am using TC2000 version 18 with Parallels on a Mac. Very nice. However, I am not able to list all my indicators. I went to the Library menu and looked at the various submenus to no avail. What should I do? I see many indicators, but not one of those I created. 

For example, I created an indicator by going through "New PCF" on the menu. I create the indicator. I can see it when I click on "+" on the main chart. However, when going throught the Library Menu, I cannot find the indicator I just created. How can I see it as part of a list (as was the case in TC2000 v. 12.5)? 





Topic: Safari 12 - no more silverlight support - solutions?
Posted: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 8:21:52 AM

I arrived at the same conclusion. The mistake Worden made was not to program for cross-platform compatibility from the start. I have avoided .Net all my life because I work on all platforms. But if Worden does not care about the Mac market because it is minuscule, then the potential loss of profits is inconsequential. This also only applies to the small guy. The big institutions are not affected by any of this. Have a good day!


Topic: Safari 12 - no more silverlight support - solutions?
Posted: Monday, October 1, 2018 6:50:40 AM

I lost my access to TC2000 12.5 on Safari 12, and read the comments above. Some more searching led to the following solution: install the SeaMonkey Browser (i have version 2.49.4) and TC2000 12.5 will function again. I do not know for how lon

Given the number of applications that run on the mac, I would be most interested in finding out what it is about Silverlight that is required to run TC2000 on macs. Surely we could get an answer regarding that question?



Topic: Formulas for sales 1 yr and revenue growth 4 quarters
Posted: Sunday, November 19, 2017 4:35:54 PM

Correction: the stock in question is CRK, not TSLA. 


I repeat the message: 

Sales 1 yr probably means total sales over the course of one year. 

What is the meaning of revenue growth 4 quarters (4 quarters is one year). I assume it meant the growth rate of "sales 1 year", but that cannot be. 

Looking at CRK, sales 1 yr went from 214 to 230 (in the appropriate units). That is a growth rate of 15/230 = 6 percent. 

The revenue growth 4 quarters is 32.19, which I interpret as 32.19 percent. 


Could you please explain this discrepancy? I believe that all your formulas should be spelled out somewhere. Are they available? 

Topic: Formulas for sales 1 yr and revenue growth 4 quarters
Posted: Sunday, November 19, 2017 4:27:22 PM


Sales 1 yr probably means total sales over the course of one year. 

What is the meaning of revenue growth 4 quarters (4 quarters is one year). I assume it meant the growth rate of "sales 1 year", but that cannot be. 

Looking at TSLA, sales 1 yr went from 214 to 230 (in the appropriate units). That is a growth rate of 15/230 = 6 percent. 

The revenue growth 4 quarters is 32.19, which I interpret as 32.19 percent. 


Could you please explain this discrepancy? I believe that all your formulas should be spelled out somewhere. Are they available? 



Topic: Mobile App
Posted: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 10:04:51 PM

Thank you for this rather complete answer, Bruce. I might email support as well. But you made your point. 


Topic: Mobile App
Posted: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 6:51:59 PM

Ok, Bruce. The answer is it could take a long time. Aren't records kept? Do all suggestions go into a black hole? Doesn't the company keep a list of priorities? Is there a way to contact the "Mobile Team" more directly? 


Topic: Mobile App
Posted: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 1:13:42 PM

Hi Bruce, 

Is there any way of knowing IF or WHEN this error will be fixed? It might also occur with other indicators. Until this is fixed, I cannot use the mobile app to look at my technicals. 




QUOTE (Bruce_L)

Thank you for reporting the issue.

Topic: Mobile App
Posted: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 9:48:23 AM


I have found what I believe to be a bug in the mobile App of TC2000.

I have a template that graphs Wilder RSI with a 15 day and a 60 day average. I set the scales to be between 0 and 100 for both plots. This works fine on my laptop (TC2000 version 12.5). On the mobile app, the scaling is automatic, so that the two graphs cannot be directly compared against each other. Surely that is not intened? The mobile app is read only. If this is an error it is extremely easy to fix. I assume one simply transfers graph coordinates from the server to the app, so the error must be a simple oversight. 

Thank you,


Topic: Saving a watchlist to a file
Posted: Monday, October 9, 2017 12:39:02 PM


I know that I can import symbols to a watchlist using TC2000 12.5 (you have stopped development of a Mac version for some reason). 

However, I would like to save a watchlist to a file. It is so simple to implement that there must have been a conscious decision not to do it. May I know why? Alternatively, could you please let me know how to do it if it is indeed possible? 

