raider45 |
Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Friday, September 30, 2011 |
Saturday, December 21, 2019 2:49:51 PM |
788 [0.27% of all post / 0.17 posts per day] |
Congratulations, thanks!
Sincerely !
I would like to have a PCF Formula with the signal on the Titles with the following parameter:
Before the markets open, select the Securities of yesterday with the percentage between the closing and the maximum included and not exceeding 3%.
Thank you and goodbye.
I have no other information, I solved the problem in another way.
Thank you and goodbye !
I would appreciate a PCF Formula with the Breakout Up signal on the Volume Climax indicator at very short notice.
Thank you and goodbye.
Thank you !
Sincereley !
I would appreciate a PCF Formula with the signal on the Titles from +75 to -100 (excluded from +76 to -100).
Thank you and goodbye.
Congratulations, thanks!
Thank you ! Sincerely !
I would appreciate having a PCF Formula with the signal on the Pattern Key Reversal Bar Up.
Thank you and goodbye.
On all markets the second formula generates no signal !