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Profile: remobile1
User Name: remobile1
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Joined: Thursday, September 10, 2009
Last Visit: Friday, October 18, 2013 1:13:33 PM
Number of Posts: 53
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Do you think Worden staff make money in the markets?
Posted: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 11:53:29 AM
Oh dear, I do seem to have unleased some vitriol here...and with such an innocent question as well.I'm wondering whether some of you have even read my question. I wasn't asking for advice on my trading. Neither did I say that no-one makes money. I will repeat my point for those unable to understand my original question. If people who spend all day writing indicators, reviewing layouts, tweaking code, etc, are not able to use that experience to find an edge in the market themselves then that tends to confirm what I already think: that indicators don't work. It doesn't matter whether these staff work on Stockfinder, Tradestation, Metastock or anything else.
Topic: Do you think Worden staff make money in the markets?
Posted: Thursday, December 8, 2011 10:01:27 PM
Working in the industry, they must form certain opinions about trading strategies, it's only human nature.
Topic: Do you think Worden staff make money in the markets?
Posted: Thursday, December 8, 2011 7:19:21 PM
I only ask because I once had a friend who worked for a bookmakers. He'd spend all day working with odds, reading the racing press, he knew all about the horses, the trainers, the tracks, the jockeys, he knew where the so-called 'smart' money was - and even he couldn't make money gambling on horses. I know someone is going say that trading isn't gambling, but I still think it's a valid analogy.
Topic: Do you think Worden staff make money in the markets?
Posted: Thursday, December 8, 2011 5:46:38 PM
I'm not actually asking anyone from Worden to reply! It's just a lighthearted, hypothetical question.When you think about all the layouts they examine, the indicators they test, the code they write, etc, etc, the data at their disposal, it would be a reasonable assumption to assume that if technical analysis really did work, someone (even quite junior) at Worden would have discovered exactly what does and what doesn't work and would be using that knowledge to making a killing. Any thoughts?
Topic: Stockfinder is less responsive after recent patch
Posted: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 11:12:28 AM
After the recent patch, the general responsiveness of the program has slowed right down. Adding a trendline or selecting a menu item is so sluggish. There's nearly two seconds lag on some items.Any ideas?
Topic: Price for symbol with adjustable time frame
Posted: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 9:30:49 AM
That's exactly it, many thanks Bruce. As always.
Topic: Price for symbol with adjustable time frame
Posted: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:54:57 AM
Is it possible to create a 'Price for Symbol with adjustable time frame'.i.e the same as 'price with adjustable time frame' only being able to select a symbol, e.g $TICK.I've tried tinkering in Blocks but I'm not too confident about what I'm doing.
Topic: S&C Magazine -no more support for Stockfinder?
Posted: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 10:15:36 AM
I've noticed that there are no longer any entries for Stockfinder from Worden in the Traders' Tips section of S&C magazine.

There is coding support for TC2000, but TC2000 is of no use for daytrading as it only supports $TICK at delayed level.  

Is Worden no longer going to support S&C indicators for Stockfinder?
Topic: Slow updates
Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 5:54:40 AM
I've been away for a week, and now I've come back I need to update Stockfinder.

The problem is that the Zacks update is crawling along. After 30 minutes, I'm not even 20% of the way through. When I open data downloader I see lots of entries along the lines of 

1096962 Zacks US Financials 0.7K

Is this speed of update normal? I don't remember it ever going this slowly before. At this rate it'll just about have finished updating by the tiem the market opens.

Topic: Pointer
Posted: Friday, January 14, 2011 9:11:24 AM
Is there a way of permanently displaying the pointer (cross hairs) so that I don't need to keep holding the mouse down to display it? Holding the mouse down for long periods of time is tiresome.