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Profile: emthree
User Name: emthree
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Thursday, October 7, 2004
Last Visit: Tuesday, May 4, 2010 6:40:00 PM
Number of Posts: 30
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: How define moving average alignments over extended periods
Posted: Saturday, March 6, 2010 8:48:09 PM
I tried using the following PCF to locate setups like the example in the graph below;

(XAVGC30.10 > XAVGC20.10) AND (XAVGC20.10 > AVGC10.10 ) AND (XAVGC30 < XAVGC20) AND (XAVGC20 < AVGC10 ) AND (C < MINC4.2)

This setup involves a short pullback after a change in trend following an extended price decline. The realignment of the 3 moving averages defines the change in trend.

The problem I am having is how to define the 'extended decline' ? Even if I pick a period of say, 50 days, how do I say the order of the 3 averages "(XAVGC30.10 > XAVGC20.10) AND (XAVGC20.10 > AVGC10.10 )" must have remained in that order for the 50 days upto 10 days ago ?

Topic: How to attach an image in a forum post
Posted: Thursday, March 4, 2010 8:40:11 PM

I want to attached a .JPEG image of a chart to discuss a PCF design query.
Pls let me know how this can eb done.

Topic: Daily Volume Surge
Posted: Monday, September 14, 2009 10:18:59 PM
Daily Volume Surge is a PCF that comes with TC2007. I have retained it's stock parameters and
not made any modifications.  

Symbol DNDN (Dendreon Corp) had a daily volume surge today (14/Sep) which should have appeared in the scan but it did not.  Can you please take a look at let me know *why* this symbol may not have been picked up in the scan ?
Topic: PCFs using Weekly data
Posted: Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:52:29 PM


I need help writing a PCF which will work on Weekly data.
If it was using Daily data, the PCF would look like this;

  (C < C1) AND (C1 < C2) AND (C2 < C3) AND (C3 < C4)

How would I use scan for the same pattern on weekly data ?

Thanks for your suggestions.
Topic: Solar Co.s
Posted: Friday, April 4, 2008 2:46:41 PM
Hi RonS,
I happen to have a watch list of Solar Stocks. here are the other symbols besides the 2 you mentioned;


Make sure you check profiles of these companies at Yahoo Finance or other soure.

Topic: PCF to rank as at past date
Posted: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 10:38:28 AM
Please let me know whether it is possible for me to rank the Hemscott Industry Groups
by their Price % Change 1-Month as at a *past* date (Say Jan/18/2008).
Then, after I select a graph from that list, can I scroll forward from that date (using the ] bracket key)
to see the walk forward results ?
Topic: How to scan for potential breakouts
Posted: Saturday, September 29, 2007 9:20:17 AM
Hi Bruce,

Objectively describing the conditions is the challenge as there are some 'grey' areas in the pattern which the eye can recognize but
hard to fit into a fixed set of rules.

Here are some recent examples;
MON from 07/13/07 to 08/31/07.
MPEL from 07/09/07 to 09/10/07.
LNDC from 05/25/07 to 09/18/07

I would describe the pattern as follows;

Price retraces at least 5% from a peak,
then rallies to within 1% of the previous
peak, then retraces at least 5% again and rallies back to within 1% of that previous peak. This pullback can repeat any number of times within the past 100 trading days.

Pls take a look at the 3 examples above together with my description of the pattern and let me know whether you can suggest how I can build a Easy Scan to identify when these conditions occur.

Topic: How to scan for potential breakouts
Posted: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 11:13:44 PM

Pls take a look at the daily charts for LNDC.
The stock hit resistance near $14 several times over the past 4 months and finally broke out above that level this week.

Can you suggest a PCF that could scan for stocks like this *before* they break out ?

Topic: AND/OR operators
Posted: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:35:34 PM

Thanks for the quick primer on order of precedence
I am going to get my teeth into this when I have some quiet time later.
Topic: AND/OR operators
Posted: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:46:07 AM

Thanks for your suggestions.

On second thoughts, a novice like me is probably going to find it easier to the nesting within brackets than think abou the TC2007 order of precedence.

Going off topic; how do I keep written comments for my own reference within the PCFs ?