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Profile: dmarkie
User Name: dmarkie
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Friday, April 8, 2005
Last Visit: Sunday, July 3, 2016 8:18:47 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Custom Index
Posted: Monday, July 23, 2007 9:51:05 PM
Thanks Bruce it worked as i needed however I can't seem to plot HLC bar. Just the line of price shows.

Also, if I can get the HLC bar to display i would prefer green on price and vol for up days and red for down.

Is this possible?
Topic: Custom Index
Posted: Saturday, July 21, 2007 11:35:55 PM
I built this index list as you directed but I don't think I'm getting what I want. I went to the properties and looking at the code blocks in this it seeems to be an average of the %price change for the watchlist (or something like that).

All I want is a cummulative total by bar of the price and volume for the watch list. I see a cummulative code block but can't seem to make that work for this.

So, if stock A is 45$ and B is 50$ in the 2 stock watch list the plot for that bar would be 95$. The volume for that bar would also be cummulated and ploted in a vol pane.

Topic: Custom Index
Posted: Sunday, July 15, 2007 1:29:29 PM
Thx Stpckguy.

I have blocks 2.0 (trial period) and have created a custom wathclist of stocks. How do I now create the plot of aggregate price and vol (unweighted) for this group of stocks?

Topic: Custom Index
Posted: Thursday, July 5, 2007 3:00:18 PM
Is it possible in TC to create a simple index of daily price and volume to aggregate multiple tickers (dozen or so)?

If not how would i do it in Blocks as i've not had any experience using this code yet.

Topic: Understanding MACD
Posted: Sunday, April 10, 2005 7:43:59 PM
Nice presentation and thanks for the PCF's. Would you know what additions to the syntex would be required in order to view a MACD from a date prior to current day, say 5 day or 10 day previous from today? I would like to create a scan that compares today's MACD to a prevous date to determine the slope/change.
