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Profile: stentoner
User Name: stentoner
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Last Visit: Monday, August 14, 2017 12:44:31 AM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Export WatchList Data
Posted: Monday, August 14, 2017 12:43:01 AM

I can't find export data from a watchlist anymore. I can copy symbols from a watchlist but not the date, O, C, Last, or volume. Is this capability still available?

Topic: Export WatchList Data
Posted: Sunday, March 20, 2016 4:04:02 PM

I used to be able to export watchlist data to Exel format in TC2K 7 or so. I'd like to continue to export my watchlist stock data over a specified number of trading days, high, low, close prices, dates, and stock symbol. Is this still possible in TC2K v12?

Topic: Stochastics cross over just today
Posted: Monday, January 4, 2010 9:45:53 PM
Thanks, Bruce, for making the simple moving average case more understandable; I can fly solo for those. The exponential will take a little more thought. By the way, those references to cascaded moving averages in terms of filters are a bit esoteric. I might try the Excel approach.
Topic: Stochastics cross over just today
Posted: Saturday, January 2, 2010 1:58:18 PM
You might not be wanting to discuss weekly stochs this new year after so many previous posts. I'm trying to understand conceptually several things:
1. Is StocX = StochX.1, where X= any integer? I thought StocX is the "raw" stoch today.
2. Where do the mutipliers in exp. averages come from? ie. 500488758553275, .
.333559032545198. (This is from your example of %K crossing up through %D below the 40 line). It appears you're converting a stoc12.3 into weekly, exponential average.
3. I'm converting a 25.8.8 into weekly exponential, %K crossing up/down %D (though simple average seems to capture LT stock trends almost as well). Here's the posted example I'm using for simple average (my brackets):
%K is crossing up through %D below the 40 line.
{(STOC60 + STOC60.1.5 + STOC60.1.10) / 3 < 40} AND {4 * STOC60 + 3 * STOC60.1.5 + 2 * STOC60.1.10 > 3 * STOC60.1.15 + 3 * STOC60.1.20 + 2 * STOC60.1.25 + STOC60.1.30} AND{ 4 * STOC60.1.5 + 3 * STOC60.1.10 + 2 * STOC60.1.15 <= 3 * STOC60.1.20 + 3 * STOC60.1.25 + 2 * STOC60.1.30 + STOC60.1.35}

1. The first {} test for below 40. Three factors correspond to 3 day period??
2. The second {} test today %K above %D. Q: Whence the multipliers 4,3,2 and 3,3,2,1?
Why does first part have 3 factors (multiplied by 4,3,2) and the second part 4 factors? In my PCF, period = 8 daily (40 weekly), what multipliers?
3. The third {} test yesterday %K below %D. Same questions?
4. For exponentials, whence the multipliers and number of factors?
Any insight you could provide would greatly help! Thanks.
 -- Steve