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Profile: moreOptions
User Name: moreOptions
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Last Visit: Saturday, March 8, 2008 12:45:21 PM
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Topic: Trying to understand syntax of today's Worden Report
Posted: Saturday, March 8, 2008 9:38:51 AM
I'm having the same problem with CC3. But mine is even worse. I don't know what is meant by F tab. Also, I don't know quite what  this means:"The logic behind this is the following. The probability is very high, that after the initial two 9 day periods which are down, there will not be two more 9 day periods which are down (subscribers can see this easily; if using percent true, just put in C>C1 and C1 <----*that part*.

I am not complaining. I am impaired. I program logic all day into PLC's. Sometimes you simply cannot explain things to me such that I will understand it. (I'm serious.) I can program c>c1 into a PLC. I can "and it" with C1 (almost....C1 is a NUMBER not a STATE) but it's non-sense to me, but perhaps not to any other normal person.

I have been using telechart for years...yet I am both surprised and a bit ashamed of how often I encounter things in the notes that I don't know how to program. I make my living programming PLC's and graphical user interfaces....but instead of this being a may in fact be the root cause of my troubles. I wish to be a "knight who thinks for himself" but I shudder to think what Don would think of me as I fumble around trying to figure out what some of the formulas mean and how to program them.