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Profile: lowell69
User Name: lowell69
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Last Visit: Monday, December 7, 2015 3:11:33 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Feature - Bring back ability to draw a horizontal trendline in v12
Posted: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:06:46 AM

I also would like to see the capabiilty to create s fixed length horizontal (and vertical if possible) Trend Line. The great part of the Trend Line is anchoring the ends. The horizontal line running all across the screen makes you search for that end point you wanted to highlight with the horizontal trend line. The anchored Trend Line draws your eye right to where you want it to go at the end of the line.

Eyeballing the Trend Line to horizontal with a high resolution screen is really tough. On a lower resolution screen the jaggies disappear at the horizontal and makes it easy. On the High resolution screen there ae no jaggies to the line at any angle.

Topic: Feature Request - Print or Export personal note
Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:03:32 PM

Please look at adding a print or export feature to the Notes so that personal entries we have made can be used outside of TC2012. The date, title, and text only would be fine but to be useful it must print or export a range of notes into a single pdf or text file. Exporting them one at a time would work but is a nuisance.

Getting any charts out of the notes would be nice but since I use screen prints to save charts to an image file this is not important to me. I use the screen prints because the last time I tried the charts I add to the notes usually come out pretty fuzzy and not very readable. 

This request is because I am looking at using the Notes in TC2012 as part of my Trading Journal and having certain data available right next to the charts is great. BUT the Notes seem to only allow you to enter data - and never get it out. The ultimage data silo. This is fatal for any recording system. And I am not entering data twice. Would you use Microsoft Word if they only allowed you to enter text and never to print or export it? These personal notes are MY data and not Wordens. If you won't give me my data back I will not waste my time entering it.

A very poor work around I could use is a kludge using a screen print to save images of my notes over whatever length of time I can get visible on the screen. Probably not good enough to work with.

Thanks for any help. I tried looking around for any email to make a direct feature request but could not find it so I added it in this discussion area. If I've overlooked some simple solution thanks for pointing me in the right direction.