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Profile: options101
User Name: options101
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: How do I conver this in TC2000?
Posted: Friday, August 25, 2017 3:31:37 PM

Thanks Bruce

QUOTE (Bruce_L)

Click on the name of the Custom PCF Indicator at the top of the pane in which it is plotted and select Scaling and change the Scale method to 0 to 100.

Click on the name of the Custom PCF Indicator at the top of the pane in which it is plotted and select Horizontal Lines... | Add Line. Then repeat the process to add a second line.

Change At Value to 20.00 for one of the lines and 80.00 for the other line.

Topic: How do I conver this in TC2000?
Posted: Thursday, August 24, 2017 3:49:43 PM

How can I use scaling along with this script?

Thanks Venkat


QUOTE (Bruce_L)

Please try the following Indicator Formula in TC2000 v17.

(IIF(XAVG(IIF(H > H1, SQR(ABS((SUM(H, 6) - SUM(H, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2) + XAVG(IIF(H < H1, SQR(ABS((SUM(H, 6) - SUM(H, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2) = 0, 50, 100 * XAVG(IIF(H > H1, SQR(ABS((SUM(H, 6) - SUM(H, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2) / (XAVG(IIF(H > H1, SQR(ABS((SUM(H, 6) - SUM(H, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2) + XAVG(IIF(H < H1, SQR(ABS((SUM(H, 6) - SUM(H, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2))) + IIF(XAVG(IIF(L > L1, SQR(ABS((SUM(L, 6) - SUM(L, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2) + XAVG(IIF(L < L1, SQR(ABS((SUM(L, 6) - SUM(L, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2) = 0, 50, 100 * XAVG(IIF(L > L1, SQR(ABS((SUM(L, 6) - SUM(L, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2) / (XAVG(IIF(L > L1, SQR(ABS((SUM(L, 6) - SUM(L, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2) + XAVG(IIF(L < L1, SQR(ABS((SUM(L, 6) - SUM(L, 6) ^ 2 / 6) / 6)), 0), 2)))) / 2

You can use it as the Formula in a Custom PCF Indicator if you want to plot it as an indicator on the chart.

If you do so, you may also want to change the Scaling... | Scale Method to 0 to 100 and add Horizontal Lines at 20 and 80.

Topic: How do I conver this in TC2000?
Posted: Thursday, March 30, 2017 4:09:13 PM



Looks like there is syntax error. I could not figure it out. 


Topic: How do I conver this in TC2000?
Posted: Thursday, March 30, 2017 3:32:21 PM

Thanks Bruce,


Topic: How do I conver this in TC2000?
Posted: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 7:50:54 PM

input stDevLength = 6;

input averageLength = 2;

input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;


def stDevHi = StDev(high, stDevLength);

def stDevLo = StDev(low, stDevLength);


def avgStDevHiUp = MovingAverage(averageType, if high > high[1] then stDevHi else 0, averageLength);

def avgStDevHiDown = MovingAverage(averageType, if high < high[1] then stDevHi else 0, averageLength);


def avgStDevLoUp = MovingAverage(averageType, if low > low[1] then stDevLo else 0, averageLength);

def avgStDevLoDown = MovingAverage(averageType, if low < low[1] then stDevLo else 0, averageLength);


def rviHi = if avgStDevHiUp + avgStDevHiDown == 0 then 50 else 100 * avgStDevHiUp / (avgStDevHiUp + avgStDevHiDown);

def rviLo = if avgStDevLoUp + avgStDevLoDown == 0 then 50 else 100 * avgStDevLoUp / (avgStDevLoUp + avgStDevLoDown);


plot RVI = (rviHi + rviLo) / 2;

plot OverBought = 80;

plot OverSold = 20;



Topic: Refresh rate options in a watchlist column
Posted: Thursday, April 21, 2016 8:50:35 PM

When will the V16 be available for MAC

Topic: Does V16 works for MAC? or when will the mac version be released
Posted: Thursday, April 21, 2016 8:48:44 PM

When will the MAC version of V16 be relased

Topic: Does V16 works for MAC? or when will the mac version be released
Posted: Thursday, April 21, 2016 8:48:09 PM
Topic: How do I divide one stock by another stock or index in telechart to create ratios
Posted: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 6:04:49 PM
I am interested in dividing SP-500  stock price chart by US dollar index and multiply by the current ten year interest rate. How can i do this TC2000?

Thanks in advance for suggestions