wbunn |
Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Unsure |
Thursday, October 7, 2004 |
Monday, August 15, 2016 8:27:48 AM |
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I have shut TC2000 offf and on several time and the Pan & Zoon slidder is still not present. I do see a small white triangle that allow horizontal panning .... but no slider to compress or expand the candlesticks.
The zoom and Pan slider at the bottom of my charts has disappeared. How can I restore this feature?
I wil have to eat some humble pie... I finally found my error in the chart profile box that shows the type of moving average ... it was just like you said .... some of them were simple moving aferages. I set them all to Exponential Moving Averages and all line up correctly. Thank you again.
To Stockguy,
If you mean my Tc2000 profile, I looked there and see not reference to any PCF's that were created. Can you tell me where you saw the profile indicating my pcf was actually an Average and not an Exponential moving average. In any event the problem was resolved by including and additional condition about the XavgC200 which was displayed on the TC2000 chart. I appreciate your help but am very confused about the "profile" you are referring to.
It looks like I've resolved my Exponential moving average questions. In my example scan, I showed a PCF scaning for 3 Exponential MA conditions:
XavgC9< XavgC15 and
XavgC15 < XavgC30
Which returmed partially erroneous results. Actually my chart has four Exponentila Ma's, a 9-day, a 15-day, a 30-day, a 50 day, and a 200-day. I included the fourth Exp MA (the 200;day) in the stack this afternoon which straightened everthing out..It looks like my original PCF was probably correct, and the unmentioned 200-day Xavg was skewing the results.
Thanks Bruce. I've tried this format but the scan returns approximatley 50% incorrect results, ie
the 50 bar exponential is not greater than the 15 bar exponential about half of the time, according to the visual chart display and the selected bar numerical results box . I thought possibly the 50 and 15 portion of the expressions referred to the number of past bars but your example indicates differently.
You must be correct but I dont understand my results. Usually I've found the reason for this was the selected chart period did not match the PCF search period, but I have used a "daily" period for borh. Do you have any suggestions why I'm getting so many incorrect results?
This is the exact PCF Scan I'm Using:
XavgC9 < XavgC15 and
XavgC15 < XavgC50
Which is part of a scan I'm testing for having the 9-day Xavg line on the bottom, the 15-day Xavg line in the middle, and the 50-day Xavg line on top.
I appreciate your help.
For example: I'm trying to scan for an Exponetial 50 bar MA > Exponential 15 Bar MA
but cannot seem to get the PCF notation correct. Any help would be appreciated.
I've read a number of you responses about substituting Heiken-Ashi formulas for spedific PCF's and formulas - but I would like to know if there is a way to implement an overall substitution for any TC2000 Easyscan or watchlist. For example, I have developed several multi-condition EasyScans for isolating stocks I'm interested in. Do you have any suggestions for implementign these Heiken-Aski substitions that will cover any condition I might wish to use without having to make the substitutions on each PCF or formua.
Thanks for any comments your offer.
Are Worden's Free Stock Charts still available
William Bunn
TC2000 Gold User
I would like to add an EasyScan condition for a specific date for backtesting purposes. Is this possible in version 12.4?