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Profile: RileyS1
User Name: RileyS1
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Friday, September 16, 2005
Last Visit: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 7:06:14 AM
Number of Posts: 3
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: option plays
Posted: Monday, October 3, 2005 9:48:27 PM
QUOTE (peryoung)
QUOTE (belairgroup)
what pcf or scans have you seen successful in the past?

maybe test a pcf or scan historically and use a percent true indicator to verify that the conditions probably indicate a put/call situation.

is there a rate of decline for tsv or bop for puts and rate of ascension for calls???

actually need to use tc2005 tools more effectively. no scans yet, just tsv,ms and bop.

as the rate of decline not sure.

cop might seem to be a decent call candidate still. pe is kind of low but not sure if it has any refineries in the path of Rita. any other suggestions? maybe hal, sgr?

Conoco had few refineries in this area until they bought Phillips. They did have considerable oil and gas production that was shut down by Rita. Most of it has been restarted. Oil companies make their money from oil production. Refineries and gasoline are just a way to move the oil. That is one of the reasons it is easier to get a good position on independents than it is on majors. Believe it or not, majors just try to make little or noting on gasoline sales, and they only pass through the affect of fluctuation in the price of oil.

The comodities market evidently does not understand the layout of the Gulf of Mexico oil patch or the effect of hurricane intensity. Katrina, that missed over half of the production was a cat 4, but drove the oil futures to over $70. Rita was a cat 5 and, as predicted, cut a swath that covered the entire gulf production. What did oil futures do? They dropped to about $63/bbl when I would have expected $75 . I will never understand commodities.
Topic: Starting software
Posted: Friday, September 16, 2005 11:48:33 PM
Well, TC had not finished installing. I had been through all of the tutorials and some of the Worden notes, but the program had stopped installing. I have DSL and it was downloaded, but not installed.

Topic: Starting software
Posted: Friday, September 16, 2005 10:54:22 PM
I may sound stupid, but how do you start the TC2005 program?
