Hi, I am mostly a novice, and I am doing my best to improve my knowledge about building my own Trading Computers as I go ahead. I do not work in the IT field, and I am just taking my first few steps for gathering the right information towards the build I hope to achieve. I would appreciate it if people can give me advice on the latest builds that are out there as of today along with the budget involved in building each module. I would prefer to have a build that is fast, and that can run fast enough to keep up with the changes in the stock market.
QUOTE (Rick17) Hi Bruce, This may not be the proper forum for this question so I apologize, but could you suggest or tell me where I can post to get suggestions on a proper computer system to use for trading..I have had numerous issues since purchasing S.F 5.0, with scans taking up to hours to complete etc.. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Hi Rick17
This is a FREE guide on "How to buy a Trading computer and save money." It was written by a trader for traders. Check it out! http://tradingcomputersnow.com/
This will sure help you..!!