filme_bune |
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Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:25:36 AM |
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@pthgreat I'm using the code you created , I found some stocks , but it give me like 200 results each time I run it , And most of them is already too late to get in , as the lines are like 3 months ago . Maybe the code is stuck on december ?
Any idea how to make it more accurate ? is doing its job , as the support , the yellow line is unifying the 2 pivots , but should find the stocks at the 3rd pivot , if is possible , 2 pivots is still good , The top line is somehow giving me stocks with few tops . but I have to find them in the 200 stocks the software find , so , I'm sure is a possibility to make it more accurate :)
Maybe you have more time than me . I didnt figure put yet how to wirte the code or even how to change it :D
Got it . Thank you . I'll try to make the top line to be horizontal . I appreciate your help :)
@pthegreat Please can you give me the code with which you were able to find TRI , MHK and cost ?
The one with the horizontal line . is ok if is not really horizontal , I'll see how I can adjust it , but I need a startup point ,
Is easier to just draw miself the line . so much trouble for a line that doesnt do anything .
it should be a way to find stocks with a line that unite 3 lows ,
I have it now without errors , I just click on the code window and errors disapeared .
I save it , I press ok and all I have is a line almost vertical , in the indicators window . I dunno what's good for ?
Is any chance to have this line in the price window ? like to have a code like this that I can put it in the
My Condition code editor to find me stocks that have a trend line under their lows ?
I go to Real code indicator , to class tab , I delete evrything under the inherits line , and I paste your code under the inherits line ( not touching the inherits line )
and it give errors .
What I do wrong ?
I'm trying to make this stockfinder usefull , but to create such a code , is beyound my knowledge ,
I'm copying the code you post on February 20, 2013 10:57:41
from sub new to End Class at the end .
and I paste it in stock finder
I put this code in stock finder and give errors .
Any way to have a code without errors ?
I need a code to find me the stocks in the formations below : at the point where the green circle is . 
The 3rd one is about the volume , I'll like to find stocks that have a new high on volume .
Can someone help me with those ?
@jas0501 , please read the entire thread . I never said that programming is easy or it doesnt take effort and knowledge , I just said gthat is sad to see so many softwares , so complex , but none of them with the basic of trading . I see you like indicators , most of the softwares and search criterias are made for indicators . Indicators are made to tell people when to buy and sell , when to catch the bottom or the top , Those are not accurate . Indicators are made for beginners , people who trade for a while dont really need indicators , the market is made by price , and indicators are made by some formulas to show for a beginner eye , how the market is moving . Hers's some strategies base on cci , couse I see you like to use it . CCI on 20 days , is working fine on Aapl .
Please read the entire thread and maybe you can help a little bit as I see you have more knowledge on using stockfinder .
Thank you