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Profile: kniss1
User Name: kniss1
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Last Visit: Sunday, June 18, 2017 12:16:50 AM
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Posted: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 10:52:06 AM

Thank you Stockguy, after your respond and a good night's sleep the problem was in the conversion from a PDF to a Word document (so I can copy and paste). In the conversion it has made a few errors and when you pointed out the part that did not make sense I went through the formula line by line and found a few errors in conversion. It works fine now. Once again, Thank you.

Posted: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 7:52:27 PM

Bruce I am trying to input code for a scan looking for a "J hook" pattern.  I have received the code from another trader. I have tried but can not find the error.I get the message   Argument missing near-       here is the formula:

MAXC10.1 > MINC10.10 * 1.1 AND MAXC 10.1/MINC 10. I < MAXC 10.6/MINC 10.6 AND C>C1 AND (MINC3 < MAXC7.3) OR (MINC3.1 < MAXC7.3) OR (MINC3.2 < MAXC7.3) OR (MINC3.3 < MAXC7.3) OR (MINC3.4 < MAXC7.3) OR (MINC3.5 < MAXC7.3) OR (MINC3.6 < MAXC7.3) OR (MINC3.7 < MAXC7.3) OR (ABS (C-AVGC10) / C < 0.01) OR (C1 < C2 AND C2<=C3)OR (C2< C3 AND C3 <= C4) OR (C3 < C4 AND C4 <= C5) OR (C4 < C5 AND C5 <= C6) OR (C5 < C6 AND C6 <= C7) OR (C6 < C7 AND C7 <= C8) OR (C7 < C8 AND C8 <= C9) OR (C1<=C2 AND C2 (AVGI-I3.8) AND (AVGH3.8) > (AVGH3.13) AND (AVGH3.13) > (AVGH3.18))                            Where I think the error is I have tried to change it but I still get the same message.                                                                                                Thank you                                                                                                                      

Topic: best colors for visability
Posted: Thursday, November 1, 2012 1:03:38 PM

Although I do not like a white screen because it seems hard on the eyes, on a recent webinar, Martha Stokes indicated that a study she had seen showed a quicker ability to recognize patterns when using a  white screen with black/gray candlesticks. It had to do with us learning to write on white paper with a black pencil.

Secondly, on a trading pyschology webinar I attended it was pointed out that when we use green/red bars or candles, at a subconscious level this can create a go/stop condition,shaping our perception, rather than allowing us to view the chart information in a more unbiased way.

 Successful trading is 80% psychological, and information that becomes distorted because of our perceptions or belief systems gets in the way of making better trading decisions.

 I turned down my computer monitor to reduce the strong white output of the charts. I hope this information may be of some use.