Since it is price percentage change comparison, using left edge first bar in the screen as a reference point, is it possible to see the actual percentage change values on the right Y axis, instead of showing the current price absolute close value?
Fo example I wan to compare US major industry sector peformance (% change) since year start, and I woud like to see each sector's % change on Y axis. Is this possible? Thanks.
I am trying to understand how data are compared in "Comparison Overly" chart. If I want to compare, say, XLU to SPY using Comparison Overlay, two lines are drawn in the same chart. On the Y axis it shows XLU price, but what does SPY line mean in the chart? Are these two lines drawn based on their percentage changes, using a common starting time (1st bar in the chart) as a reference point? In other words, how data in comparison overlay chart are calculated? Thanks very much in advance.
Thank you very much. I'll read the reference post.
Using TC 2000 version 12, is it possible (and how) to sort a stock watch list by the SLOPE of the linear regression (LR) line indicator?
I have tried to sort a stock watch list by the LR indicator, but the sorting results are not by LR slope, but by the latest values of the LR indicator.
By the way, through the Worden discussion forum at, I saw this is possible for the TeleChart Platinum.
Thanks very much in advance