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Profile: Mortyk
User Name: Mortyk
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
Rank: Registered User
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Gender: Unsure
Joined: Sunday, February 15, 2009
Last Visit: Friday, December 14, 2012 1:03:56 PM
Number of Posts: 9
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: BBandwidth 20 2
Posted: Monday, December 10, 2012 3:30:12 PM

How can I get an indicator that eflects the width of the bollinger bands?

Topic: BBandwidth 20 2
Posted: Monday, December 10, 2012 3:16:49 PM

Pleae describe what the results should look like. What percentage will I see?

Topic: bollin ger bandwidth
Posted: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:20:34 AM

How do I create a Scan using Bollinger Bandwidth to alert me to conditions under 6%?

Topic: TC 2000 VER 12-Dividend x date
Posted: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 1:08:19 PM

How can I write a formula for the dividend x-date on a stock and use it in a clolumn

in a watch list?

Topic: volatility squeeze 6%
Posted: Monday, August 15, 2011 11:04:53 AM
what is wrong with the following formula?

PRICE >$5.00


 ((AVGC20 + 2 * SQR((20 * (C * C + C1 * C1 + C2 * C2 + C3 * C3 + C4 * C4 + C5 * C5 + C6 * C6 + C7 * C7 + C8 * C8 + C9 * C9 + C10 * C10 + C11 * C11 + C12 * C12 + C13 * C13 + C14 * C14 + C15 * C15 + C16 * C16 + C17 * C17 + C18 * C18 + C19 * C19) - (AVGC20 * 20) * (AVGC20 * 20)) / (20 * 20))) - (AVGC20 - 2 * SQR((20 * (C * C + C1 * C1 + C2 * C2 + C3 * C3 + C4 * C4 + C5 * C5 + C6 * C6 + C7 * C7 + C8 * C8 + C9 * C9 + C10 * C10 + C11 * C11 + C12 * C12 + C13 * C13 + C14 * C14 + C15 * C15 + C16 * C16 + C17 * C17 + C18 * C18 + C19 * C19) - (AVGC20 * 20) * (AVGC20 * 20)) / (20 * 20)))) / AVGC20 <= .06

thanks. MK

Topic: what's wrong with this formula?
Posted: Monday, January 3, 2011 3:48:58 PM
(AVGC10.1<AVG20.1 AND AVGC10>AVGC20)
Topic: Volitility Squeeze
Posted: Monday, April 19, 2010 1:32:16 PM
When I use the clipboard formula for volility squeeze I get an error reading , why?

Topic: bollinger bands
Posted: Saturday, January 9, 2010 11:54:50 AM
 how do I program a 6% differential in Bolingers bands to trigger an alert or an easy scan?
Topic: stochastics
Posted: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 3:29:43 PM
how do I create a scan with stochastics where the short indicator crosses over the longere term and the opposite?