Bruce, thanks again for the info. I have some thoughts. I have created two STC based on your short formula approximations dated October 30, 2007. How close are these to the actual STC? What is the difference in the two fotmulas. I note they are close together except on extreme bottom.
Also, I found this on line. Is this something I could program into Telechart or is this proprietary? Is this something you could use to make a STC in Telechart. Also, I am willing to run a test on the two formulas.
Attached formula found on line.
The Code for the Schaff Trend Cycle
The code for the STC indicator and function are below, in TradeStation EasyLanguage format.
Comments to the code are written in light green.
Description : This Indicator plots the Schaff Trend Cycle
Provided By : FX-Strategy, Inc. (c) Copyright 1999
Inputs: TCLen(10), MA1(23), MA2(50);
Description : This is the Schaff Trend Cycle function
Provided By : (c) Copyright 1999
Inputs: TCLen(NumericSimple), MA1(NumericSimple), MA2(NumericSimple);
Variables: XMac(0), Frac1(0), PF(0), PFF(0), Frac2(0), Factor(.5);
{Calculate a MACD Line}
XMac = MACD(c,MA1,MA2) ;
{1st Stochastic: Calculate Stochastic of a MACD}
Value1 = Lowest(XMac, TCLen);
Value2 = Highest(XMac, TCLen) - Value1;
{%FastK of MACD}
Frac1 = IFF(Value2 > 0, ((XMac - Value1) / Value2) * 100, Frac1[1]);
{Smoothed calculation for %FastD of MACD}
PF = IFF(CurrentBar<=1, Frac1, PF[1] + (Factor * (Frac1 - PF[1])));
{2nd Stochastic: Calculate Stochastic of Smoothed Percent FastD, ‘PF’, above.}
Value3 = Lowest(PF, TCLen);
Value4 = Highest(PF, TCLen) - Value3;
{%FastK of PF}
Frac2 = IFF(Value4 > 0, ((PF - Value3) / Value4) * 100, Frac2[1]);
{Smoothed calculation for %FastD of PF}
PFF = IFF(CurrentBar<=1, Frac2, PFF[1] + (Factor * (Frac2 - PFF[1])));
{The STC function is the %FastD of PF}
_SchaffTC= PFF;
Any further thoughts?
Could you help me with the necessary formulas to set up a custom indicator of the Schaff Trend Cycle (STC).