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Profile: tdbroker
User Name: tdbroker
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Monday, January 28, 2008
Last Visit: Thursday, May 1, 2008 1:41:01 PM
Number of Posts: 19
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: increasing Volume
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2008 11:18:33 AM
Good morning Guys
I am hoping that you guys could help me out. I am trying to create a formula were the volume for the past 10 days is the highest it has been over the last 6 months. I have tried different formulas.
V10 > V125
AVGV10 > AVGV125
(V10 >AVGV125)*1.2
V10 = MAXV125
But somehow I get mix results, I get stocks that also show an spike of volume before the 6 months or sometimes I get stocks were the volume of the last 10 days is just the average no higher no lower. I also tried to use the 5 day volume surge and I rank it close to 80%.
Am I using the wrong formulas or am I approaching it the wrong way.
As always your input will be appreciated.

Topic: DOJIS
Posted: Monday, March 31, 2008 1:15:36 PM
Good morning guys
I was looking for dojis formulas and I saw Doug H video on dojis but it looks like the ability to search for High Vs Low yesterday and Open Vs Close yesterday were remove from the system. 
could you help me out if i am looking on a Weekly Chart for 
1- Doji Star Bullish / bearish
2-Morning Doji Star Bullish
3- Evening Doji Star Bearish
thanks in advance for the help
Topic: Scanning for Dojis followed by gaps with Candlestick PCFs
Posted: Saturday, March 29, 2008 10:09:08 PM
Good morning guys
I was looking for dojis formulas and I saw Doug H video on dojis but it looks like the ability to search for High Vs Low yesterday and Open Vs Close yesterday were remove from the system. 
could you help me out if i am looking on a Weekly Chart for 
1- Doji Star Bullish
2-Morning Doji Star Bullish
3- Doji Star Bearish
4- Evening Doji Star Bearish
thanks in advance for the help
Topic: 6 months high
Posted: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 3:49:28 PM
thank you bruce
Topic: 6 months high
Posted: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 3:13:00 PM

Hi guys
How would I write that the highest closing price of this 6 months is 5% lower that the previous 6 months? Isn’t

(MAXC126 < MAXC126.126) *1.05 

and if that is right how would I write the following 6 months. would it be (MAXC126.126 < MAXC250)
what i would like to say is that the highest closing price 1 &frac12; ago is lower that the highest closing price a year ago. And the highest closing price a year ago is higher that the last 6 months high by at least 5%

Topic: Resistance Point
Posted: Monday, March 17, 2008 2:36:14 PM
Topic: Resistance Point
Posted: Monday, March 17, 2008 1:29:39 PM
Are you saying that the last 250 closing days that ended 5 days ago in relation to the previous 250 days don&rsquo;t have a closing price difference of more than 6% ?
Topic: Resistance Point
Posted: Monday, March 17, 2008 11:10:14 AM
Hi Bruce
what i am trying to use is the lowest closing price, in other words i am trying to say that the lowest closing price between C5, C250 and C500 hasn't been more that 6% from each other. is like saying that when stocks are at or close to those closing prices they tend to bounce back
Topic: Resistance Point
Posted: Sunday, March 16, 2008 5:10:15 PM
good morning guys
how can i write 

have been no more than 6% from each other. for example if
C5 close @ 10 then C250 couldn't have close more than 10.65 and C500 no more that 6% from C5 

as always your input is appreciated .

also how can i write C5 was the lowest closing price of the last 6 months
Topic: Weekly Gap
Posted: Saturday, March 15, 2008 10:27:07 AM
good morning
how would i create a formula to see a weekly gap on a weekly chart of more than 5%
I tried (O>C5) *1.05 but i did see any gaps on the upside