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Profile: sharppolly
User Name: sharppolly
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
Rank: Registered User
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Joined: Friday, January 18, 2008
Last Visit: Friday, November 16, 2018 10:12:07 PM
Number of Posts: 209
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: need help
Posted: Friday, November 16, 2018 9:53:17 PM

Me too.  Vicious clubbing of the smart asses.

Topic: is it intentional...
Posted: Monday, June 11, 2018 7:12:00 PM

Hi guys,

  Is it intentional that the fibonacci arcs dont follow the zooms?  I rarely use the arcs, but It seems they should follow the zooms.





Topic: hmmm...
Posted: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 7:41:54 PM

ok thnx.  I tried that, also rebooting my computer, also using another computer.  Same thing.  I cant figure it out.  It stays like that for hours.  I dont mind using another version, but my watchlists are all outdated and there isnt a easy way to duplicate them. 

  I guess I am suspecting a cloudfart, but I dont know.  How would the data package get to v 12.4 but not to 17?  Do they use seperate data packs?  I dont mind doing a bit of leg work if there is anything I can do on my end.


Thnx for your time




By the way, it is ok now.  Just confusing and a bit frustrating.

Topic: hmmm...
Posted: Monday, December 5, 2016 8:31:00 PM

Yet again..I  open my TC2000 v17 and the chart is ok, the symbols are ok, but the fields are missing.  No 'net change' '% change"  'bar high'  'bar low'  'close'  etc...

  Is this my issue?  It seems to happen every few weeks.  V 12.4 is ok. 


Thnx for any help



Topic: Is there a way...
Posted: Saturday, July 16, 2016 9:45:36 AM

Hi Guys,

  Bruce, just an example of why I am lobbying for this.  Saturday at about 8:30am CDT..I sit down with my coffee to do my charting stuff.  I get trendlines and price history, moving avgs and indicators all ok.  But over in the symbol list..i get the symbols, but no price, bar change, bar high, bar low, etc.  All the fields are dashes?? 

  My internet is otherwise fine.  Is this my end?  or yours?  I do most of my charting on the weekends, so it is annoying to have to use v7 all the time due to slow loading charts and this sort of thing. 

  I dont mind using v7 but it is no longer being developed in favor of v12-16 so I would really like to switch over to the developing package once and for all. 

  It seems a hard drive data file would cut out a whole boat load of intangible issues that are not my fault (perhaps not yours either). 

  Any ideas how I can tune up my side to help matters.


AMD quad core FX 4350

16G RAM DDR-3  Kingston hyper-x


thnx for your time




Topic: Is there a way...
Posted: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 7:25:29 PM

ok..thnx..any chance of either of these being processed as a suggestion?

Topic: Is there a way...
Posted: Saturday, July 9, 2016 8:58:38 AM

Hi Bruce,



Thats what I do.  Is there a way to sync the lists between v7 and v12 -16?  That is the main problem, I go to v7 when the cloud is foggy and my lists are old and I cant figure out how to dubplicate them without going one by one.





Topic: Is there a way...
Posted: Saturday, July 2, 2016 9:05:02 AM

I would like to download and store chart data on my computer so I can look over charts when a) the internet is down..or b) there is some cloud congestion.  I am all for technological progression but the cloud is not ready for charting quite yet.  Update data to hard drive?




Topic: Hi bruce..
Posted: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 7:05:40 PM

Ok I get it,

  And trying not to beat the dead horse, but is linear regression in log mode useless in v16 and if so, is there any way to fix this?  It seems a pretty standard tool for charting and , although I am quite certain the math is sophisticated, it seems the technology for a fix has already been uncovered and freely used. 

  If it seems I am disappointed, its because I may use 3 or 4 of the drawing tools in TC and that is one of them.  This would complete my transition from vs 7 to 16.


thnx again and if this is just the way it is going to be i can get over it.

Topic: Hi bruce..
Posted: Monday, February 1, 2016 7:03:58 PM

Thanx for your reply. 


The reason I say that, and based upon your statement... that it is a math thing, I can say that it works perfectly in vs 7.  Its not a deal breaker for me, but I would wonder aloud why the 'math thing' didnt make from the vs 7 to this.  It also works fine in yahoo charts in log mode as well as fidelitys charts, it would just be nice to have this tool within the vs16.


Thnx for your time.

