Registered User Joined: 3/28/2016 Posts: 41
Hello Bruce,
I had an easy scan setup where I had price between a certain amount for a stock with at least a 5% increase and at least 100,000 volume and with the latest float being no greater than 35000. From my understanding for the latest float that meant under 35 million. my question is has that chnaged? my scanner no longer works properly if i have the latest float, works fine with the other conditions if i remove it. is there something I am missing?
thank you,

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The reason this is happening is because Latest Float is not currently available as a fundamental criteria. While we plan on adding it back as soon as possible, I do not have date for when this might happen.
We sent an email about the fundamental data to you on October 31, 2018 which read in part as follows.
"In an effort to keep costs down, we are making a transition to some new data vendors. During this process, the following fundamental feeds will not be available. We apologize for this inconvenience and are working to restore this data as soon as possible.
Gross Fixed Assets
Accumulated Depreciation and Depletion
Number of Employees
Dividend Yield (Forward)
P/E Ratio (Forward)
Latest Float
Dividend ExDate
Dividend Record Date
Dividend Pay Date
Dividend Declaration Date
Dividend Cash Amount
Corporate Calendar"
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 3/28/2016 Posts: 41
ah okay, must of missed that email.
thank you!
Registered User Joined: 5/23/2006 Posts: 75
Any update on the availability of the latest float value? I need it for daily scan!