Registered User Joined: 1/17/2015 Posts: 17
Hi there,
I do some comparison a la Dual Momentum by comparing two symbols on a chart. For example, I want to compare the 3 month returns for both SPY and VSS. I set that up as a comparison, start all plots at same point, and click the 3M (or 6M or 1Y...) under the chart to show just the past 3 months.
With the ruler turned on and showing %, I can then see the return calculated for that past period.
However, when I run a PerfChart on Stockcharts dot com, I get different numbers. I have attached both screen shots. I suspect it has something to do with adjusted data or something like that, but the differences seem a bit big. Or is it that TC2000 uses 63 days where as Stockcharts uses 63 days?
Are you able to let me know if I am doing something wrong in TC2000, or why the differences?
Thanks in advance,
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I am pretty sure the starting points are the same.
All of the difference appear to start on the dividend dates going forward (although in same cases these differences are a bit difficult to see until a few bars later when lines get close to or cross either each other or zero.
TTL - 0.281 on June 1, 2018
SPY - 1.246 on June 15, 2018
VSS - 0.704 on June 22, 2018
TTL - 0.275 on July 2, 2018
TTL - 0.267 on August 1, 2018
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/17/2015 Posts: 17
Thanks as always Bruce. Makes sense as the data gets adjusted for dividends. Is either way any better or worse?
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I really couldn't say which is better.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles