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Registered User Joined: 10/14/2015 Posts: 16
Please help.
How to Call the Relative Strength in your formula?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
There isn't a way to reference another symbol in a Personal Criteria Formula. If you want to make a conditon based on Relative Strength, you would need to click on the indicator on the chart and select Create Condition.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 10/14/2015 Posts: 16
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
There isn't a way to reference another symbol in a Personal Criteria Formula. If you want to make a conditon based on Relative Strength, you would need to click on the indicator on the chart and select Create Condition.
Then how to refer to a price of a specific ticker? Like the Close pirce of $SPY on Jan 05, 2018?
Registered User Joined: 9/17/2010 Posts: 484
in a PCF, C gives you the Closing price of the current bar.
C1 gives you the closing price of the previous bar
May 4, 2015 would be (single quotes required): '05/04/2015' or in your example
There is a quick summary of the PCF syntax here
Registered User Joined: 10/14/2015 Posts: 16
QUOTE (bcochrane)
in a PCF, C gives you the Closing price of the current bar.
C1 gives you the closing price of the previous bar
May 4, 2015 would be (single quotes required): '05/04/2015' or in your example
There is a quick summary of the PCF syntax here
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