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Elder Ray Power Rate this Topic:
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Posted : Tuesday, March 7, 2017 2:53:44 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

Elder Ray Power


Elder Ray Bear Power


Elder Ray Bull Power


Changing the Period

Changing the 13 to a different value will change the period of the Elder Ray Power indicator.

For example a 15 period Elder Ray Bear Power indicator can be written as follows.


And a 12 period Elder Ray Bull Power indicator can be written as follows.


Bars Ago Versions

You need to change the bars ago parameters on both the H or L before the minus sign and the XAVGC13 after the minus sign to create an Indicator Formula for a specific number of bars ago.

For example the Elder Ray Bear Power indicator of 2 bars ago can be written as follows.

L2 - XAVGC13.2

And a 1 bar ago version of the Elder Ray Bull Power indicator can be written as follows.

H1 - XAVGC13.1

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