Registered User Joined: 9/23/2012 Posts: 18
I know about using custom date sort......but unsure how it applies to an entire sector or industry. Also, when the column shows "Change from " and the date, it shows numbers like 37.10......which I assumed was a 37.1% change within the date time frame I had entered. However, when I click and drag from that date, the data box shows the change was actually 61%. So Im confused about the custom date sort accuracy in its numbers. If anyone has any advice, I'd appreciate it
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The Custom Date Sort should work on any WatchList. So bringing up the component WatchList of a sector will allow you to use the sort for the stocks in that sector.
If the % Change doesn't seem correct, it would probably be that the Custom Date Sort is set to vs. Sector or vs Industry instead of % Change. This would be returning how the symbol under or outperformed its sector or industry instead of the actual % change of the stock.
My guess would be it is a misunderstanding about the % being returned by pointer mode. This value is the percent change between the start and end of the line produced when dragging the pointer. It is not the % change of the underlying stock.
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