Registered User Joined: 2/26/2005 Posts: 115
I am trying to get two price lines divided (relative strength between two symbols), and be able to add to this ratio other indicators (like MA's, ROC's, etc). How can I do that (using the ten plots of relatve strength stops me from adding indicators to rel. strength)?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The Relative Strength indicator is the ratio of the active symbol to the symbol specified in the Relative Strength indicator.
You can change the active symbol by adding the price of another symbol to the chart (not as a comparison symbol but as its own plot) and then changing the data source of the Relative Strength indicator to use the price plot for the specified symbol.
Change Data Source (3:38)
This feature is also the key to getting other indicators based on the Relative Strength indicator instead of price. Add the indicator to the chart as normal and then change its data source to the Relative Strength indicator.
You shouldn't need to do this for indicators such as moving averages which let you choose the parent when you add the indicator, but it is useful for other indicators.
It won't work for every indicator though. It isn't going to work for indicators which automaticlly plot in the price scale like the Ichimoku Cloud. It also isn't going to work for Custom PCF Indicators or any other indicator which requires something besides just price for its calculations (usually these indicators require both price and volume).
Such indicators will just turn blank when changing the data source to Relative Strength. There is no way around it if this happens.
It should be noted that even when you can create child indicators based on Relative Strength, you cannot actually make working WatchList Columns or conditions based on either Relative Strength or child indicators of Relative Strength.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 2/28/2007 Posts: 4
Hi Bruce, I am having problems in plotting a 120 period Stochastic of the Relative Strength indicator. This is the Relative strength vs [anthor symbol] indicator that is in question, not RSI.
When I apply the 120 period stochastic to the Relative Strength indicator, it plots the 120 period stochastic of the base price series.
For example, I did this on a daily chart of INTC. Panel1 is daily INTC. Panel2 is 120 period stochastic of INTC. Panel3 is Relative Strength of INTC vs SP-500. Also in Panel3, plot the 120 period stochastic of Relative strength indicator.
Now compare the two 120 period stochastic plots. They should be very different from one another. When I do this, both stochastic plots are identical, which to me means that TC200 is using the base price series for both stochastic calculations.
Does the Relative Strength vs SPY indicator not permit itself to be used as a Parent indicator in an indicator-on-indicator calculation?
Registered User Joined: 2/28/2007 Posts: 4
Hi Bruce, I managed to move beyond my previous post after reviewing many of the other Relative Strength threads on the Forum.
My problem was, I wasn't using the Change Data Source option for the indicator. After I did that, everything calculated correctly.
Now my inquiry shifts to sorting/scanning. There are lots of posts and threads about this, so I realize that TC2000 does not support sorts or scans using the Relative Strength indicator or any child indicators based on the Relative Strength indicator.
Can you help me in figuring out what I can use to approximate the Relative Strength indicator output that would be supported for scanning?
You have mentioned some kind of manual process involving PCFs, but I haven't fully understood it, maybe you could explain how that would work.
I don't think the other Relative Strength (1 Yr vs SP500) indicator would work, the output is just way too different from the basic RS indicator
Any ideas on how to approximate the RS indicator to allow scanning would be greatly appreciated..