Registered User Joined: 4/25/2013 Posts: 1
Julia has talked about an easy scan formula (criteria) to screen out stocks with a macd divergence. Is this formula available somewhere?
thanks Robert
Worden Trainer
Joined: 4/26/2007 Posts: 508
Hi Robert,
In general, my approach is to plot Price History as well as a MACD. Create a Scan Condition for Price Moving Down Smart over a period of 60 bars (I use a Daily chart). Then create a Scan Condition for MACD Moving Up Smart over a period of 60 bars. Add both conditions to an EasyScan. The resulting stocks should be those that exhibit a three month (roughly) positive divergence betweeen Price and MACD.
In case you'd rather grab my already-created EasyScan, I'll post it to my Notes. Follow these steps to retrieve it:
1. Click the News & Notes button on the Main Toolbar
2. Choose 'Search TC2000 User Notes'
3. Search for 'Julia_O'
4. Look for the note with the Positive MACD Divergence EasyScan attached.
You should be able to open the scan results from there.
I hope that helps!