Registered User Joined: 2/2/2005 Posts: 82
I'm guessing that coinditions for Eazyscans are evalluated FIFO (first-in First-out) and for each ticker symbol. From this one could percieve an inherent logical AND operator existing between conditions in an Easyscan.
It would seem prudent to arrange conditions in an Easyscan whereby the most likely condition to be false should be evaluated first. In this manner, the engine will progress through the symbol-list most efficiently witout spending CPU time time evaluating conditions.
Given that there are no logical operators available for Easyscan condition evaluation, a short-circuit operator should be avaiable w/in PCF, i.e., AndAlso and OrElse. These type of logical operator terminate evaluation of an expression at the earliest opportune point. The former exits evaulation if the first argument is false, and for the latter if the argument is true.
For example, If 0 > 1 AndAlso (bla bla bla and (bla bla bla / bla bla) * LOG(blablalblabla / sign (blabla bla).... etc.
It never even looks at the sutff after AndAlso. If, however, in the case of 0 < 1 OrElse (bla bla bla and (bla bla bla / bla bla) * LOG(blablalblabla / sign (blabla bla).... etc.
It doesn't evaluate the stuff after the OrElse given that the OR condition has been satisfied.
What I'd lke to see would be a means to arrange coindittions in a scan with the up / down arrows. As it stands adding a new condition - after a scan has been created with multiple conditions - having a high likelyhood of falseness: it will get evaluated last. To fix it one has to re-create the entire scan condition set from scratch.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Thank you for your suggestion.
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