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Registered User Joined: 2/1/2012 Posts: 14
Lets say you create a PCF indicator with a formula, you create your watchlists and then add the PCF indicator as a column. You discover a problem in your PCF so you go back and update the PCF indicator. You go back to your watchlist thats using the PCF but notice it hasnt changed, in fact none of your many watchlists using this PCF reflect the change. Right-Click refresh on the column in the watchlst does not reflect the PCF changes in the column, Right-Click->Edit Columns->Refresh Rate->Manual to 30min, does not do it either. The solution is to go through all your watchlists that use this PCF as a column, delete them and re-add them. If you have several PCF's used as a column, you must delete all of them and re-add them in any watchlists that use them, if you expect to see the changes you made to your PCF.
I would like that anytime I update the PCF that it is Automatically updated wherever the PCF column, indicator, condition is used.
I find this bug very irritating, since I had to delete then re-add all my custom PCF's in all watchlists using them, in all layoouts.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
It is the intended behavior and not a bug. I will definitely put in the suggestion, but it is fairly deeply embedded design decision that copies are used which are not linked to the original in any way.
You need to delete and replace any copies after making changes to the original if you want to use those changes in TC2000 version 12.3.
Normally I can only answer what and how type questions, but not why type questions. I have argued for the link approach over the copy approach internally however (and still do), and can provide some insight in this particular case.
TC2000 version 7 does link Personal Criteria Formulas to the WatchList Columns and EasyScans in which they are used. If you change a PCF in TC2000 version 7, the WatchList Columns and EasyScans based on those PCFs immediately reflect the changes.
I find this to be intuitive, but we actually get a decent amount of calls to technical support where the customer indicates that an EasyScan has suddenly stopped working correctly and the cause ends up being a PCF in that EasyScan was changed. A single PCF can get used in lots of different places and it is easy to forget every place you have used that PCF. The intention will be to adjust just one thing, but the change gets propagated througout the program.
The other advantage is that it easily allows you to repurpose the same formula with different time frames. Changing the time frame of one copy does not change the time frames of other copies. So you can even use multiple copies of the same formula in a single EasyScan with different time frames.
Thank you for your suggestion.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 2/1/2012 Posts: 14
I think there is a misunderstanding. TC2000 v12 does not propogate the changes made to the formula throughout the watchlist and scans where the formula is used. So I don't expect just one instance, I do expect it to update all instances where this PCF is used. Sounds like the behaviour in TC2000 v7 is different than in v12?
Registered User Joined: 2/1/2012 Posts: 14
Sounds like they need an option when they change the PCF formula to affect all instances where the formula is used or just "a" particular instance. Although if you change the PCF formula I think it is more intuitive to expect that all instances using the PCF would reflect that change, like v7 does as you described.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
No, I do not think there is a misunderstanding (at least in how I understand your original post). Changes to the original propogate in TC2000 version 7 because they are linked to the original, but do not propogate in TC2000 version 12.3 because the copies are not linked to the original in any way.
I think the way it works in TC2000 version 7 is more intuitive than the way it works in TC2000 version 12.3 as well. That said, the way TC2000 version 12.3 works was a deliberate design decision which was made based at least in part on the confustion caused by how things work in TC2000 version 7 and the numerous tech support calls that resulted.
I will append your clarification to the original suggestion.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 2/2/2005 Posts: 82
Two things to note here:
changing PCF for watchloist column
changing PCF for column that is a component of saved columns
In in the first case you must delete the old column using the old PCF and add the column back. In the second case you must load the saved column, delete the old PCF column, add the new PCF column, and save the column set. Then you must load the saved column for the watchlist. You must do that for all the watchlists that utilize the old column or saved column set.
QWEXION: how does PCF dependent indicator work in that regard? There are at least two cases:
PCF used as an indicator
PCF as indicator that's been saved (accessed in My Saved Indicators)
Does the user have to plot new indicator if the indicator has been changed, i.e., delete the old indicator (either PCF or saved indicator) and then add new indicator and choose the saved indicator or PCF?
That could cause some problems for users if they're not aware such changes don't propagate throughout all their saved stuff that uses that.
FYI for users that aren't aware: When constructing custom indicators they should be saved after plotting said custom PCF as an indicator on a chart in order for them to appear in My Saved Indicators. Any indicator can be saved with custom parameters by right clicking on the indicator displayed at the top of the chart and select 'save indicator'. A custom PCF plotted as an indicator is just that: a custom PCF. ALL parameters for any indicator get saved as one of the My Saved Indicators, e.g., line color, line style, thickness, specific discrete parameter values associated with any arbitrary indicator. A user could establish 5 different custom indicator Bollinger Bands each with a different base period, line style, color, etc
My Saved Indicators is very cool-guy stylin'. I like. I'm mashing the 'like' button on saved indicators.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
An indicator on the chart is a copy in the same way that a PCF used as a WatchList Column or EasyScan Condition is a copy.
Once an a saved indicator has been added to a chart, it is completely independent. Making a change on the chart will not affect the saved indicator in and of itself. You need to save for the changes to be reflected in the saved copy. Such changes will not affect other copies of the same saved indicator on the same chart or on other charts even if you save the indicator.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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