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Registered User Joined: 1/12/2011 Posts: 183
The current average NYSE volume is in excess of 3 billion per day. However TC2000 displays this as approx. 726 K per day.
The current average volume on the Nasdaq is close to 2 billion per day. TC2000 displays this as approx. 1.7 M.
In the case of the Nasdaq it looks as though it may be accurate and you simply add three 0's.
However the NYSE does not look correct at all. Is this really showing the combined S&P 500 stock's volume (and then add ? # of 0's)?
Registered User Joined: 1/12/2011 Posts: 183
It seems to be pretty standard to show the NYSE volume on S&P 500 charts and TC 2000 does show the same volume for both charts. However as of Mar. 28 this would be 2.355 Billion and not the 887 Thousand shown.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The indexes in TC2000 are published without volume with a few exceptions. Total volume is reported for the NYSE Composite (NYSE), AMEX Composite (XAX) and the NASDAQ Composite (COMPQX). The following indexes are also reported with volumes, but the volume figures come from one of the three composite indexes above. We report them this way so you’ll have a reference to the overall market volume when using these indexes.
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJ-30) - DJ-30 volume
Standard & Poor’s 500 (SP-500) - NYSE volume
Standard & Poor’s 100 (OEX) - NYSE volume
NASDAQ 100 Index - COMPQX volume
All regular symbols in TC2000 version 7 are truncated to the 100’s place and therefore would need to have two zeros added. For the following symbols, five zeros need to be added added in TC2000 version 7 and three zeros need to be added in TC2000 version 12.3:
I have been previously told ve use the NYSE Issues Volume Total, not the NYSE Composite Volume for any symbols using NYSE volume, so it may be different than other NYSE volume figures you see elsewhere. That said, I am not in the data department and do not fully understand the issues involved.). While I have passed your report on to the data department, it is generally best to avoid the middle man and report such issues directly to:
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/12/2011 Posts: 183
Actually for the Nasdaq you need to add only 3 zeros from what I can tell.
The NYSE volume is a mystery but I will email the group you suggested.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You only need to add three zeros in TC2000 version 12.3. You need to add five zeros in TC2000 version 7.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/12/2011 Posts: 183
Just an update on this because it is rather important. TC2000 reports only the NYSE floor trading volume and does not include shares traded in affiliate exchanges that are trading NYSE stocks.
Therefore it is not true "composite" volume that includes all shares traded for all NYSE stocks. Similar to what Bruce mentioned above.
This has actually been detrimental in a recent case where there is a discrepancy in the relationship between a day's volume and the volume of the preceding day. (ie. volume was higher than the preceding days volume for NYSE only volume vs. NYSE composite volume which showed the day's volume to be lower than the preceding day). This led to a false distribution day count for one of my indicators.
I would like to submit a feature request for TC2000 to report the NYSE composite volume. It is, after all, called the NYSE Composite Index.
But I would also be interested in other people's views on the pros and cons of this.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Thank you for your suggestion.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 2/2/2005 Posts: 82
I just discovered this issue also. Decent data re: NYSE composite index can be downloaded in CVS format from:
WARNING: watch out for the speed-bumps at 12/12/11 & 06/01/12
The data available apparently beings 31 Dec 1965. I took a look around the inter-webs and those two dates are just as speed-bumpy elsewhere (no joy in easy fix for speed-bump data). The thing is: I have some data from TC2000 v12.3 (its just off by some factor, right?). Albeit TC2000 reported NASDAQ volume is off by some 10%, NYSE reported volume is off a whopping +75%; maybe you guys can - I cant - land the Apollo 13 guys in the shuttle with those kind of numbers.
So I fingered out an averaged factor between the TC2000 data compared to the downloaded CVS data for those particular two days - two days either side of the missing data downloaded - and applied that averaged factor to the TC2000 reported value as a subsitute for the missing data in the downloaded CVS format-file.
You guys prolly should beat me with the Statistics Rule-Book - thow out bad data - and by God I prolly need it. But that's my story and I'm stickin' to it (and my spreadsheet charting tool is a happy camper)..
QWEXION: who stole ~4.5 BILLION shares of NYSE shares - eaches - on both of those two days? And what significance is attributable to that?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
QUOTE (Herky_love) WARNING: watch out for the speed-bumps at 12/12/11 & 06/01/12
The data available apparently beings 31 Dec 1965. I took a look around the inter-webs and those two dates are just as speed-bumpy elsewhere (no joy in easy fix for speed-bump data).
QWEXION: who stole ~4.5 BILLION shares of NYSE shares - eaches - on both of those two days? And what significance is attributable to that?
I could not say why Yahoo Finance does not have volume figures for December 12, 2011 and June 1, 2012. We have NYSE volume for both dates.
QUOTE (Herky_love) The thing is: I have some data from TC2000 v12.3 (its just off bysome factor, right?). Albeit TC2000 reported NASDAQ volume is off by some 10%, NYSE reported volume is off a whopping +75%; maybe you guys can - I cant - land the Apollo 13 guys in the shuttle with those kind of numbers.
Our volume is not just the some factor or ratio of the volume figures you want. Our volume is actual volume figures as traded on the NYSE. It is possible to calculate a factor or ratio between the two volume figures which would be statistically accurate over time, but it would not necessarily be accurate for any given day (although with the large number of trades involved, it might be "good enough").
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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