Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 4
I would like to have 2 or more flag columns showing as I would like to set up lists where I can identify several different aspects at the same time. For example I might use one column for stocks that I think will go up while a second column might show those I expect to go down and another for those expected to reverse. However I've not found a way to individually turn on a flag in any column. When I click a flag all flags in that horizontal line light up. Can each column be made to function independently? zephie
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The Flag Columns in TC2000 version 12 are not independent. There is only one available Flag Column, so changing one will change the status of the Flag for that symbol in other Flag Columns as well.
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been assigned case number 7166.
It is possible to get multiple independent Flag Columns in StockFinder as each Personal WatchList has its own Flag Column.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 12/10/2009 Posts: 35
While searching for stocks in a loose scan or component watchlist, are you working on the capability for a TC2000 user to create separate independent columns that can be selected/flagged at the user's discretion based on say, spotting a certain chart patten or simply a long vs a short candidate, breakout, pullback or whatever comes to mind that the user's looking for?
This would be a nice, time-saving feature to have.
Then after going through the scan/watchlist, be able to sort by whatever column you want in order to bring that column's selections to the top then, copy & past those "column sorted selections" into their respective personal watchlist(s) for a closer look.
This would be far less time consming then either right-clicking on each symbol to add to a watchlis or going through the list more than once to flag for one condition then again, for another condition. Right now, creating then naming multiple flag columns "flags them all", since the flag column feature is programmed that way.
With the speed available to space-bar through a watchlist, I like to eyeball for patterns and setups vs relying too heavily on a scan that could eliminate a good stock due to some barely missed criteria, which would filter it out of the "canned" scan.
I see that what I'm asking has been somewhat brought up before over the years, so is this feature even getting considered as a prioity?
Thanks for all you do.