Registered User Joined: 9/9/2011 Posts: 4
I currently use your platforms for scanning and several other charting functions. I know you offer a linear regression drawing tool which is simply a linear regression line, however i would like to know if you can build me the formula or code for a custom linear regression study for price.I would like to have for channel lines:outside line top = 100inside top = 50inside bottom = 50outside bottom = 100i really appreciate how you guys have helped me before with programming code so i hope you are able to assist me with this...Sincerely,Sean Kozak
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
TC2000 version 7 has a Linear Regression (line) indicator which has channels.
TC2000 version 12 has a Reg Channel drawing tool with channels and a Linear Regression Line indicator without channels. I do not know of a way to add a Linear Regression Line with channels to TC2000 version 12.
It would be possible to add a Moving Linear Regression Channels indicator to TC2000 version 12 which would match the calculations in TC2000 version 7. The complete settings would need to be known however.
- Period: ?
- Extension: ?
- Point to Plot: ?
- Width: ?
Using Linear Regression vs Classical Peaks/Valleys for Divergence Analysis
Linear regression channel calculations
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 18
Regarding this topic, I am a long term TC user (since early 90's) and I'm very discouraged to hear you say that there is no way to add straignt linear regression channels to telchart 12. You know that is one of the best features of the old TC v7, and Don used channels a lot. So do I. Please ask the top programers if there is not a way to skin this cat.
But regarding the Moving linear regression channels... here are the parameters I would like:
Period: 30
Extension: 0
Point to plot: ?? I would suspect this would be the latest data point from which the calculations would look back x number of chart units???? For me that setting would be 30.
Width: I traditionally used 2, 3 and 4 standard deviations on my straight regression channels. Is it possible to code "switchs" to turn these on/off buy changing a code parameter to null (0)? If it has to be set to one specific setting only, I would choose +/- 3 s.d. , but an "on/off" switch would be good too.
Thanks, John Farrell
go4it on TC
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 18
While I'm at it I wanted to remind "the Worden's" of how frustrating it is to be using a program for many years then all of the sudden have it go through 3 complete iterations with EACH VERSION being a totally new program with "new features" that work in a way that it totally DIFFERENT than any other version. Personally it sounds like the company has, quite frankly, "lost it way" and is wandering between random ideas ffrom month to month.
First there was Telechart, then there was blocks, then there was Stockfinder now there is TC2000 v? But mportanat features were left out of what is now TC v? compareed to it's parent?
It would not surprise me the least of you have lost a lot of subscribers along the way! I'm wondering if this is going to continue because if it is, I may switch to a more stable program from another company. And I've been with you for 20 years. Someone high up needs to take control of the situation and grab the management bull by the horns. This is a ship with no rudder right now. We want continued addition of NEW features WITHOUT destruction of the old useful features that were the reason why we srated to use the darn program to begin with!
please forward to Chris & Peter.
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
A Moving Linear Regression indicator in TC2000 version 7 with the following settings:
- Period: 30
- Extension: 0
- Point to Plot: 30
- Width: 20
Could be reproduced in TC2000 version 12.2 using a Custom PCF Indicator wiith the following settings:
- Period: 1
- Average Type: Doesn't matter (because the Period is 1).
- Width Multiplier: 2.00
- Indicator Line Formula: AVGC30 - 15.5 * (14.5 * C + 13.5 * C1 + 12.5 * C2 + 11.5 * C3 + 10.5 * C4 + 9.5 * C5 + 8.5 * C6 + 7.5 * C7 + 6.5 * C8 + 5.5 * C9 + 4.5 * C10 + 3.5 * C11 + 2.5 * C12 + 1.5 * C13 + .5 * C14 - .5 * C15 - 1.5 * C16 - 2.5 * C17 - 3.5 * C18 - 4.5 * C19 - 5.5 * C20 - 6.5 * C21 - 7.5 * C22 - 8.5 * C23 - 9.5 * C24 - 10.5 * C25 - 11.5 * C26 - 12.5 * C27 - 13.5 * C28 - 14.5 * C29) / 2247.5
- Channel Width Formula: 10 * (ABS(C29 - AVGC2.29) + ABS(C28 - AVGC3.28) + ABS(C27 - AVGC4.27) + ABS(C26 - AVGC5.26) + ABS(C25 - AVGC6.25) + ABS(C24 - AVGC7.24) + ABS(C23 - AVGC8.23) + ABS(C22 - AVGC9.22) + ABS(C21 - AVGC10.21) + ABS(C20 - AVGC11.20) + ABS(C19 - AVGC12.19) + ABS(C18 - AVGC13.18) + ABS(C17 - AVGC14.17) + ABS(C16 - AVGC15.16) + ABS(C15 - AVGC16.15) + ABS(C14 - AVGC17.14) + ABS(C13 - AVGC18.13) + ABS(C12 - AVGC19.12) + ABS(C11 - AVGC20.11) + ABS(C10 - AVGC21.10) + ABS(C9 - AVGC22.9) + ABS(C8 - AVGC23.8) + ABS(C7 - AVGC24.7) + ABS(C6 - AVGC25.6) + ABS(C5 - AVGC26.5) + ABS(C4 - AVGC27.4) + ABS(C3 - AVGC28.3) + ABS(C2 - AVGC29.2) + ABS(C1 - AVGC30.1) + ABS(C - AVGC31)) / 620
The Point to Plot setting in TC2000 version 7 does not specify the number of bars being used in the calculations. In specifies the number of bars from the end of the Linear Regression Line you want to use as a sample when plotting the current value. So in the case of 30, you would be plotting the value 1-bar to the left of the start of standard Linear Regression Line.
I suspect you actually want to use a Point to Plot of 0 as that would plot the right end point of the Linear Regression Line. This would require changing one - 15.5 * into a + 14.5 instead (adding 30 to -15.5 results in 14.5):
- Period: 1
- Average Type: Doesn't matter (because the Period is 1).
- Width Multiplier: 2.00
- Indicator Line Formula: AVGC30 + 14.5 * (14.5 * C + 13.5 * C1 + 12.5 * C2 + 11.5 * C3 + 10.5 * C4 + 9.5 * C5 + 8.5 * C6 + 7.5 * C7 + 6.5 * C8 + 5.5 * C9 + 4.5 * C10 + 3.5 * C11 + 2.5 * C12 + 1.5 * C13 + .5 * C14 - .5 * C15 - 1.5 * C16 - 2.5 * C17 - 3.5 * C18 - 4.5 * C19 - 5.5 * C20 - 6.5 * C21 - 7.5 * C22 - 8.5 * C23 - 9.5 * C24 - 10.5 * C25 - 11.5 * C26 - 12.5 * C27 - 13.5 * C28 - 14.5 * C29) / 2247.5
- Channel Width Formula: 10 * (ABS(C29 - AVGC2.29) + ABS(C28 - AVGC3.28) + ABS(C27 - AVGC4.27) + ABS(C26 - AVGC5.26) + ABS(C25 - AVGC6.25) + ABS(C24 - AVGC7.24) + ABS(C23 - AVGC8.23) + ABS(C22 - AVGC9.22) + ABS(C21 - AVGC10.21) + ABS(C20 - AVGC11.20) + ABS(C19 - AVGC12.19) + ABS(C18 - AVGC13.18) + ABS(C17 - AVGC14.17) + ABS(C16 - AVGC15.16) + ABS(C15 - AVGC16.15) + ABS(C14 - AVGC17.14) + ABS(C13 - AVGC18.13) + ABS(C12 - AVGC19.12) + ABS(C11 - AVGC20.11) + ABS(C10 - AVGC21.10) + ABS(C9 - AVGC22.9) + ABS(C8 - AVGC23.8) + ABS(C7 - AVGC24.7) + ABS(C6 - AVGC25.6) + ABS(C5 - AVGC26.5) + ABS(C4 - AVGC27.4) + ABS(C3 - AVGC28.3) + ABS(C2 - AVGC29.2) + ABS(C1 - AVGC30.1) + ABS(C - AVGC31)) / 620
Note that TC2000 version 7 does not use Standard Deviation to calculate the width of its Linear Regression Channels.
Linear regression channel calculations
You would need to replace the Channel Width Formula with the following if you wanted to use Standard Deviation instead:
SQR(ABS(C ^ 2 + C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 + C6 ^ 2 + C7 ^ 2 + C8 ^ 2 + C9 ^ 2 + C10 ^ 2 + C11 ^ 2 + C12 ^ 2 + C13 ^ 2 + C14 ^ 2 + C15 ^ 2 + C16 ^ 2 + C17 ^ 2 + C18 ^ 2 + C19 ^ 2 + C20 ^ 2 + C21 ^ 2 + C22 ^ 2 + C23 ^ 2 + C24 ^ 2 + C25 ^ 2 + C26 ^ 2 + C27 ^ 2 + C28 ^ 2 + C29 ^ 2 - 30 * AVGC30 ^ 2) / 30)
In either case, you can adjust Width by adjusting the Width Multiplier. Use 3.00 or 4.00 to multiply the width by 3 or 4 instead of 2. You can set the Width Multiplier to 0.00 to get rid of the channels completely.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 18
Thank you for these formulae for TC v12.
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You're welcome.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles