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Registered User Joined: 3/31/2011 Posts: 12
I signed up for TC2000 Gold last week but have been trading full-time since 1994. I put together a number of PCFs using Wilder's RSI, as described under HELP-PCF Formula Examples but according to the results the formulas are using the "other RSI" that is available under the TC2000 Indicators, not Wilder's RSI. When it runs the PCF Test, the results are always right on for the other RSI but never for Wilder's RSI. My systems all need to use Wilder's RSI.
I couldn't figure out how to include attachments to this message so I sent in my requests initially using email but that has come full-circle with the note that the tech support is not qualified to give advice in the areas of indicators/PCFs and to request assistance using the "Ask a Trainer Forum" instead.
Here is one example of a PCF.
Description of what I am trying to do:
RSI-10(yest) < 40 AND RSI-10(yest) < Sma16 of RSI-10(yest) AND RSI-10(today) > Sma-16 of RSI-10(today)
My coding:
(RSI10.1.1)<40 AND (RSI10.1.1)<(RSI10.16.1) AND (RSI10.1)>(RSI10.16)
What do I need to do to get the PCF to give results for Wilder's RSI please?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Until a Wilder's Smoothed version of RSI is added to the Personal Criteria Formula Language, I really cannot think of a way to make a Personal Criteria Formula for this that would be short enough to be practical. A Wilder's Smoothed version of the RSI10.1.1 < 40 portion could be written as:
50 * (C1 - XAVGC19.2) / 10 / (.10000940549542 * (ABS(C1 - C2) + .9 * (ABS(C2 - C3) + .9 * (ABS(C3 - C4) + .9 * (ABS(C4 - C5) + .9 * (ABS(C5 - C6) + .9 * (ABS(C6 - C7) + .9 * (ABS(C7 - C8) + .9 * (ABS(C8 - C9) + .9 * (ABS(C9 - C10) + .9 * (ABS(C10 - C11) + .9 * (ABS(C11 - C12) + .9 * (ABS(C12 - C13) + .9 * (ABS(C13 - C14) + .9 * (ABS(C14 - C15) + .9 * (ABS(C15 - C16) + .9 * (ABS(C16 - C17) + .9 * (ABS(C17 - C18) + .9 * (ABS(C18 - C19) + .9 * (ABS(C19 - C20) + .9 * (ABS(C20 - C21) + .9 * (ABS(C21 - C22) + .9 * (ABS(C22 - C23) + .9 * (ABS(C23 - C24) + .9 * (ABS(C24 - C25) + .9 * (ABS(C25 - C26) + .9 * (ABS(C26 - C27) + .9 * (ABS(C27 - C28) + .9 * (ABS(C28 - C29) + .9 * (ABS(C29 - C30) + .9 * (ABS(C30 - C31) + .9 * (ABS(C31 - C32) + .9 * (ABS(C32 - C33) + .9 * (ABS(C33 - C34) + .9 * (ABS(C34 - C35) + .9 * (ABS(C35 - C36) + .9 * (ABS(C36 - C37) + .9 * (ABS(C37 - C38) + .9 * (ABS(C38 - C39) + .9 * (ABS(C39 - C40) + .9 * (ABS(C40 - C41) + .9 * (ABS(C41 - C42) + .9 * (ABS(C42 - C43) + .9 * (ABS(C43 - C44) + .9 * (ABS(C44 - C45) + .9 * (ABS(C45 - C46) + .9 * (ABS(C46 - C47) + .9 * (ABS(C47 - C48) + .9 * (ABS(C48 - C49) + .9 * (ABS(C49 - C50) + .9 * (ABS(C50 - C51) + .9 * (ABS(C51 - C52) + .9 * (ABS(C52 - C53) + .9 * (ABS(C53 - C54) + .9 * (ABS(C54 - C55) + .9 * (ABS(C55 - C56) + .9 * (ABS(C56 - C57) + .9 * (ABS(C57 - C58) + .9 * (ABS(C58 - C59) + .9 * (ABS(C59 - C60) + .9 * (ABS(C60 - C61) + .9 * (ABS(C61 - C62) + .9 * (ABS(C62 - C63) + .9 * (ABS(C63 - C64) + .9 * (ABS(C64 - C65) + .9 * (ABS(C65 - C66) + .9 * (ABS(C66 - C67) + .9 * (ABS(C67 - C68) + .9 * (ABS(C68 - C69) + .9 * (ABS(C69 - C70) + .9 * (ABS(C70 - C71) + .9 * (ABS(C71 - C72) + .9 * (ABS(C72 - C73) + .9 * (ABS(C73 - C74) + .9 * (ABS(C74 - C75) + .9 * (ABS(C75 - C76) + .9 * (ABS(C76 - C77) + .9 * (ABS(C77 - C78) + .9 * (ABS(C78 - C79) + .9 * (ABS(C79 - C80) + .9 * (ABS(C80 - C81) + .9 * (ABS(C81 - C82) + .9 * (ABS(C82 - C83) + .9 * (ABS(C83 - C84) + .9 * (ABS(C84 - C85) + .9 * (ABS(C85 - C86) + .9 * (ABS(C86 - C87) + .9 * (ABS(C87 - C88) + .9 * (ABS(C88 - C89)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + 50 < 40
But the 16-Period Simple Moving Average of a Wilder's Smoothed 10-Period RSI would result in a formula slightly more than 16 times as long. This means the complete formula would end up being about 35 times as long as the formula given above.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 3/31/2011 Posts: 12
Hi Bruce,
Most disappointing that such a widely popular indicator as Wilder's RSI, which I have used extensively in TradeStation, eSignal and other platform software for years, is still unavailable for practical PCF use in TC2000. Is there any plan to make it available anytime soon? I note you pasted a response dating back 7 years!
Would you please let me have the necessary details to call up the Volume Zone Oscillator then. I tried VZO but that doesn't seem to work. I may be able to use this indicator to circumvent the problem with Wilder's RSI.
Thanks again for your help and quick reply.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The Volume Zone Oscillator is generally going to have even longer formulas than a Wilder's Smoothed RSI. The Volume Zone Oscillator PCF topic has some examples.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
QUOTE (dave_boucher)
I signed up for TC2000 Gold last week but have been trading full-time since 1994. I put together a number of PCFs using Wilder's RSI, as described under HELP-PCF Formula Examples but according to the results the formulas are using the "other RSI" that is available under the TC2000 Indicators, not Wilder's RSI. When it runs the PCF Test, the results are always right on for the other RSI but never for Wilder's RSI. My systems all need to use Wilder's RSI.
I couldn't figure out how to include attachments to this message so I sent in my requests initially using email but that has come full-circle with the note that the tech support is not qualified to give advice in the areas of indicators/PCFs and to request assistance using the "Ask a Trainer Forum" instead.
Here is one example of a PCF.
Description of what I am trying to do:
RSI-10(yest) < 40 AND RSI-10(yest) < Sma16 of RSI-10(yest) AND RSI-10(today) > Sma-16 of RSI-10(today)
My coding:
(RSI10.1.1)<40 AND (RSI10.1.1)<(RSI10.16.1) AND (RSI10.1)>(RSI10.16)
What do I need to do to get the PCF to give results for Wilder's RSI please?
You may be able to do this with the add a column feature in V11. (using an sma on RSI and RSI.1)
(but Im not up to snuff on all that can be done with that yet)
When you have a number of checks the stock meets your criteria.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The problem is that the original question is based on multuple requirements and there currently isn't a way to combine multiple Quick Sorts in the TC2000.com version 11 beta beyond using Add Column instead to have multiple Columns. Even with multiple Columns, you can only sort on one Watchlist Column at a time.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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