Registered User Joined: 2/21/2007 Posts: 797
The big O is over there now, seeing if he can help ship more jobs over there. Thanks so much. How many 100's of millions $ did it cost taxpayers to send him and his entourage over there? A BUNCH!!!
Good thing he's on our side.
Invest now in all those Indian equities.
Registered User Joined: 1/12/2009 Posts: 235
No doubt trying to get as much accomplished before January.
Registered User Joined: 1/12/2009 Posts: 235
No wait, we saved or created 3,000,000 jobs. He just neglected to inform the majority those jobs were in India.
Registered User Joined: 2/21/2007 Posts: 797
Good thing we got Big O and Nancy looking out for the good ole working, sorry, unemployed, American folks.
I wonder if we get to write off moving expenses to a foreign land. Maybe we can travel via the yellow brick road.
Too bad, it will never get better, no matter what, only worse.
I really wish that I could understand the thought process that these beaucratics have, that WE have to save, employ, rebuild, support, finance the entire underdeveloped, stoneage countries on this planet.
Seems that they must be satisfied with their way of life for the past several centuries. How in the hell could you take a caveman, set him infront of a computer and say , here'e your new job, go at it?
 Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
QUOTE (johnlc) .
I wonder if we get to write off moving expenses to a foreign land? Maybe we can travel via the yellow brick road.
If not jonny, then I will surely help or contribute to any efforts that will help to expedite your exodus.
I am sure that if we pass around the collection plate here on the forum that we maybe fund your entire venture.....
Good luck abroad jonny.... 
 Registered User Joined: 4/13/2009 Posts: 122
Count me in Aspll, Ford has been real good to me the last few weeks. By time GM comes out next week I should be able to buy the whole IPO,,,LOL,,,
Lets just make sure the ticket is ONE WAY ONLY,,,,,,take away the passport upon arrival and we are good to go.....
This has been one of the better years for me.
seek negative and receive negative...
seek positive and receive positive....
just like a magnet you attract what you seek....
Keep an eye on F...someone at morgan stanley says F should be at 23 and thinks it will go to 30...
Happy trading
 Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
No doubt in my mind that Both car makers are going to do extreamly well in the long term....
I just wish that I had the vision to buy F @ $1.00 like you did back then....
Yes one trip for sure. Remember the movie "Midnight Express" ? jonny I hear that Turkey is lovely at this time of the year....
Registered User Joined: 1/12/2009 Posts: 235
Hey Apps long time no hear. Hows your trading going? The board sure is quiet these days. I almost miss big block. Any idea what happened to a lot of the regulars like tobydad, djh, and others. I guess many folks just don't trade anymore.
 Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
My trading is not doing well the last few days as I am holding longs that were in profit and now are at break even. That negates about two weeks of work on my part but if you factor in the profits I made since the August bottom then I am still way ahead.
How is your trading going for you?
I am part of some fine trading groups here on wordens platinum as well as skype. I do know that some folks that used to post here that now post in my skype group prefers that arena better (no fighting and no egos).
It is sad Traderm but if you were to make a study of participation here on this forum I would say that it is at its peak when there is fighting. When I was not posting for three months last Fall I would every now and then read (lurk) and there was very little posting going on. Days would pass with nothing. I remember folks making comments to that effect. I in no way want to say that I have anything to do with folks posting or not posting but I can say that I was always in the middle of the controversy. I know that some hate me for that but I cannot change my nature.
If you go back in time further (before I or Tobydad came on the scene) there was about as much posting per capada (per day) as there is now. Just less (different) members.
You know that I will not allow things to get to boring around here. All I need to do is start up with my old friend Agm32 (just kidding)...I have been busy myself with some very interest folks that know their stuff and have been trading a lot longer than I have. I will start sharing this stuff soon but I have to use caution as some folks do not want to share for free, "and why should they".. Makes me wonder how silly it was for Bigblock to act the way he did. He needed only to spend an extra few dollars a month for Platinum and he could have sold his wares right here on Worden. If it was worth anything he might have even been dubbed "Sir know it all" or something to that effect. Why he chose the destructive path instead is beyond my ability to comprehend. There are some great clubs in platinum that you have to pay for and the creators can sell their products to who ever they want to....
Yes stay in touch please and I will be sharing some good stuff soon....
 Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
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Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
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 Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
Well said Hohandy. We should be discussing the product more {Telechart}...
One custom indicator that is not discussed here nearly enough is the "Cumulative" indicator. If you plot certain moving averages above another for your "Up Condition" and certain moving averages below another as your "down condition" then you can get some pretty awesome results to measure trend.
Plug this in with other "different data" indicators and you are exposing a different shade of price action that maybe you were not aware of.
This is something to think about folks. I say we all give it a try and then someone starts a new thread. I can think of some good stuff Hohandy that will go well with your MACD-H...
As for Martha Block, I think we all know where she/he/it is all about.... They cannot answer the simple question as to "why"? Why not start your own club on platinum instead of taking the bizarre road that they ended up taking instead???
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
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Registered User Joined: 2/21/2007 Posts: 797
Big O got to dance with children in his childhood home of JAKARTA, Now we're talking stocks, watch the market take off tomorrow.
Registered User Joined: 2/21/2007 Posts: 797
TDM: Aps has his own stock market forum?
Registered User Joined: 3/15/2010 Posts: 54
You cannnot disconnect stocks from politics, or economics. They go hand on hand together.
If you think you can do that - I say dream on.
In fact, you will never make any money until you find the connection.
Thinking that your MA, your stochs, or your whatever indicator/s by themselve or together are going to do the job is as naive as thinking that reading a book, or joining an "on line or off line club" is going to make you profitable.
Listen to people that know how to swim all day, watch them swim all day, and then read all the books you want about swimming THEN jump in the pool and see if you can swim.
I personally haven't seen on this board ever a profitable technique, advice, or certainty on the bet. Instead I see a lot of non productive tinkering by folks who for the most part I bet are losing their shirts.
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
QUOTE (tdmartha)
Listen to people that know how to swim all day, watch them swim all day, and then read all the books you want about swimming THEN jump in the pool and see if you can swim.
or you could listen to the guy that tells you no one knows how to swim.
(by the way TD you werent in Chile were you? noticed you were gone while the miners were trapped)
 Registered User Joined: 3/21/2006 Posts: 4,308
TD, I have always found your inductive arguments to be clumsy and the way in which you twist the intended premise to fit your off-beat conclusions is insulting to the intelligent observer. You may just as well play both parts in your some-what insipid portrayal of what is actually being said.
QUOTE (tdmartha) You cannnot disconnect stocks from politics, or economics. They go hand on hand together.
If you think you can do that - I say dream on.
In fact, you will never make any money until you find the connection.
Thinking that your MA, your stochs, or your whatever indicator/s by themselve or together are going to do the job is as naive as thinking that reading a book, or joining an "on line or off line club" is going to make you profitable.
I personally haven't seen on this board ever a profitable technique, advice, or certainty on the bet. Instead I see a lot of non productive tinkering by folks who for the most part I bet are losing their shirts.
You really need to pursue some kind of continuing education and focus on critical thinking classes.
Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 902
QUOTE (tdmartha) You cannnot disconnect stocks from politics, or economics. They go hand on hand together.
If you think you can do that - I say dream on.
considering that this is a forum for discussion of the Worden TELECHART product, which is almost primarily and almost exclusively a technical charting product, I've got to wonder why you're spending time hanging out here in the first place if you don't believe in technical analysis.
There's nothing in the TELECHART product that has anything to do with politics - declaring that "you cannot disconnect stocks from politics" pretty much ignores what TELECHART is all about. Using this forum to promote politics while pretending that TELECHART and what it is used for doesn't exist is abusing the forum and showing great disrespect to those who are here to discuss TELECHART - it's not as if there aren't way more appropriate places on the Internet to discuss politics - take it someone else because you're driving away the people who don't wish to discuss politcs (as if you care).
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
Registered User Joined: 1/12/2009 Posts: 235
Careful guys, don't get sucked in. I suspect TD M is really Big Block in drag.
Registered User Joined: 2/21/2007 Posts: 797
I personally haven't seen on this board ever a profitable technique, advice, or certainty on the bet. Instead I see a lot of non productive tinkering by folks who for the most part I bet are losing their shirts.
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