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PCF Syntax Error Rate this Topic:
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Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:38:35 AM
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Joined: 10/12/2008
Posts: 46
I'm having problems writing a pcf....when I test it, it seems fine, but when I try to update I get a message that there is a syntax error.

((AVGC100 + 2 * SQR((20 * (C * C + C5 * C5 + C10 * C10 + C15 * C15 + C20 * C20 + C25 * C25 + C30 * C30 + C35 * C35 + C40 * C40 + C45 * C45 + C50 * C50 + C55 * C55 + C60 * C60 + C65 * C65 + C70 * C70 + C75 * C75 + C80 * C80 + C85 * C85 + C90 * C90 + C95 * C95) - (AVGC100 * 20) * (AVGC100 * 20)) / (20 * 20))) - (AVGC100 - 2 * SQR((20 * (C * C + C5 * C5 + C10 * C10 + C15 * C15 + C20 * C20 + C25 * C25 + C30 * C30 + C35 * C35 + C40 * C40 + C45 * C45 + C50 * C50 + C55 * C55 + C60 * C60 + C65 * C65 + C70 * C70 + C75 * C75 + C80 * C80 + C85 * C85 + C90 * C90 + C95 * C95) - (AVGC100 * 20) * (AVGC100 * 20)) / (20 * 20)))) / AVGC100 <= .06

Thank you for your help.....Erin
Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:50:11 AM


Joined: 9/30/2004
Posts: 9,187

I cut and pasted your formula into a PCF and the Test worked.  I then calculated the PCF and sorted the All Stocks list and 80 stocks returned True.

Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:57:43 AM
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I havnt looked at it in detail but you appear to be taking
the square root of a negitive number.
(so something is wrong with the logic not the syntax)

I would check the logic or remove the SQR's and change the .06 threshold.

Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:59:51 AM
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For the record mine didnt work on symbol MEE as a custom indicator.

Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 1:32:50 PM
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Thanks StockGuy.  I still can't get the PCF to calculate.  Since you say it's working fine, I don't know what to do.  I guess the problem is on my end, but I can't figure out what it would be.  I've deleted everything....restarted TC and tried to create it again....but it always gives me a syntax error when I try to calculate.

Diceman, I see your suggestion, but why would StockGuy be able to calculate the formula and I can't.  Also, how do you know it's taking a square root of a neg number?  I didn't write this PCF.

Thanks for the help....Erin
Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 2:31:10 PM
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I removed the SQR's and it worked.

SQR( ) gives the squareroot of whatever is in the ( ).
Remove the SQR and its just a number. (and can be negitive)

I dont know why it worked for stockguy.

I guess Im seeing the same problem you are.

Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 2:37:16 PM
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Great Diceman...thanks.  But here's a question....that would change the formula, so wouldn't it totally change what it's supposed to be doing?  Like I said, I didn't write the formula, but it's supposed to be a formula to find stocks that are in a weekly volatility squeeze less than 6%.

Thanks for the help....Erin
Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 2:54:15 PM


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I'm not sure what's going on.  The formula returns True for CNA in the PCF that I'm sorted by and also when I test the Percent True indicastor.  However, it does not plot and shows a "Trig error" on the chart.

cna.png - 120 KB, downloaded 1,595 time(s).

Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 3:32:50 PM
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StockGuy, I can't even get that far as I can't calculate the PCF.  Under my list of PCFs, it says Not Calculated.  When I try to calculate, I get the syntax error.  Any ideas to get past that step?


Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 3:56:27 PM
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"Great Diceman...thanks.  But here's a question....that would change the formula, so wouldn't it totally change what it's supposed to be doing?  Like I said, I didn't write the formula, but it's supposed to be a formula to find"

Yes. However it at least points to where the error is.
(in a simple equation it may be as easy as changing the 6%)

When I run this. I get the error message: "Trig error".

(although I put it in the chart as a CI percent true in the top window)

Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 5:34:22 PM
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Diceman or StockGuy,

When you click on fx, and see your list of pcfs....does it show "calculated" or "not calculated" for the pcf we're working with?

Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 5:36:45 PM


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Mine shows updated through 05/27/2010 17:35
Posted : Thursday, May 27, 2010 6:49:48 PM
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Thanks StockGuy.  I have no clue what's wrong....mine shows "not calculated"....I can't get it to calculate.  I guess I'll try and call customer support tommorrow and see if they can figure it out.

Thanks again....Erin
Posted : Friday, May 28, 2010 12:11:33 PM
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Diceman or StockGuy,

I called customer service and they couldn't help me....they said that there was a problem with the formula.

I got to thinking about what you said was taking the sq root of a negative I decided to try and put in an "absolute" calculation in after the sq root, using ABS....but I'm having problems.

I still get a syntax error and I"m wondering if I'm putting the parenthesis in the wrong place.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted : Friday, May 28, 2010 12:17:46 PM


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Mine isn't updating now, either. Got a syntax error when I updated this morning and it still shows updated through yesterday at 17:35.
Posted : Friday, May 28, 2010 12:48:30 PM
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Do you know how I would add ABS after the SQR?  Meaning, where would the right parenthesis go?

I got the left part down,     SQR(ABS(

but I don't know where to put the right parenthese.  (I don't totally understand the formula.)

Also, there are 2 SQRs in the formula.

Posted : Friday, May 28, 2010 12:52:47 PM


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I don't understand the formula either.  Where did you get it?  Maybe the author should take a look at it.
Posted : Friday, May 28, 2010 1:06:03 PM
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Unfortunately, I have no way to contact the author.

Do you have an formula experts there that could look at this?


Posted : Friday, May 28, 2010 6:14:26 PM
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The PCF is an ill-fated attempt to determine, on a 5-Day chart, if the Bollinger Bandwidth, Period 20, Standard Deviation 2, is less than or equal to 6%.

The correct PCF is given by Bruce in:

Note:  You need to be aware that there are no weekly charts in TeleChart; there are five distinct 5-Day charts. 

Jim Murphy
Posted : Friday, May 28, 2010 11:22:27 PM
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You're the best!  Thanks so've made my holiday weekend....and it's only Fri night.

Have a great weekend.....Erin
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