Registered User Joined: 10/16/2004 Posts: 8
My problem is on some stocks the Worden notes don't show. I have the box checkd for both kind of notes.
My problem is i called in like you suggested the girl answering wasn't able to solve my problem told me someone would get back to me. I receieved an email saying someone was going to call me but so far no one has called and now TC 2000 is starting to not respond when open it up.
I had this problem years ago when i was rtunning Win 98 and can not remember how it was fixed.
but now I'm running win 2000 and haven't had any problems for years with TC 2000 but I'm cheap and resent paying for services that do not perform nor the company responds to. This is not the service level i have come to expect from TC2000 so please rattle something somewhere and tell them to call or get in touch.
I'm pretty sure they can reach me by my Email since they have in the past.
but it is getting real annoying as TC2000 performs less and less perday but yet i pay and pay per day.
thank you
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 4,308
I apologize that we have not yet been able to solve your problem wit hnotes, and that you did not receive the callback you were promised.
If I could solve your problem here, I would. However, I do not have the technical resources or knowledge to do that. I will forward this post on to the appropriate supervisors, and they will arrange to have someone contact you to provide the assistance you need with your technical problem.
- Doug Teaching Online!