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Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 26
I found that "round values on whole numbers" don't work on my 5.3 ver. when editing fields atop of TC2000 chart.
I think I am not the first pointing at this probably bug and hope it will be corected in the next version. Or is something wrong at my side ?
Thanks for help.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 4,308
Please give me an example of a piece of data that you are showing in the data bar at the top of the chart, and describe specifically what is happening.
Once I get this information from you, I'm sure we can help. Thanks!
- Doug Teaching Online!
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 26
currently no field - when checked to round values - works, i.e. does't round number to whole one.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 4,308
I now understand what you mean. However, I've tested the rounding function on my Data Bar, and it seems to be working perfectly. That tells me that you may be having a technical problem that we are not equipped to handle here in the discussion forums.
I encourage you to contact our outstanding technical support department to get the help you need to correct the problem you're having with rounding. They can be reached at support@worden.com or by phone at (919) 408-0542. Hours: 9AM-9PM EST.
- Doug Teaching Online!
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 26
thank for response.
I postpone my issue. I got access to new 2005 TeleChart and hope this won't be my issue any more. ( Currently having problem running 2005 version but post this issue in another topic ) If not I will solve thies by phone or support mail then.
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