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 Registered User Joined: 7/23/2006 Posts: 29
Just getting started with TC2000. Have looked for a method for locating dbl tops and dbl bottoms. Haven't seen anything so can I do it??? From there I'd like to see those stocks also have divergences on the MACD. One thing I've noted is that you need to take small bites and put them together.
Thanks for your help...

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You may wish to review the following:
Scanning for Stocks Printing a Double or Triple Bottom Double top/bottom trend Using Linear Regression Sorts to Help Spot Divergences MACD linear regression pcf help MACD double bottom divergence
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
 Registered User Joined: 7/23/2006 Posts: 29
Wow. It will take a while to digest this.
Thanks for your timely response...
 Registered User Joined: 7/23/2006 Posts: 29
Bruce, I've worked my way through your suggested material and found several PCF's. Good stuff. Loaded one and it appears to work - any way to isolate the stocks that are just hitting their double top??

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
Give me the PCFs you decided to work with and I will adapt them for you.
- Craig Here to Help!
 Registered User Joined: 7/23/2006 Posts: 29
Craig, Copied from another post - these are the PCF's I'm trying. ASSUME I can increase the timeframe to 4 months by changing the 10 & 20 to say 42 & 84. Looking to have the stocks come up on the scan when the stocks hit the 2nd top (or a little before if possible - looks like formula may be doing that).
PCF1: (MAXC10>(MINL10.20+((MAXH10.20-MINL10.20)*.1))AND
PCF2: ((MINL10>MINL10.20*.96) AND (MINL10<MINL10.20*1.04))
PCF3: (C<MAXC10.10 AND C>MAXC10.10*.95)
Thank you for your assistance. This is cool stuff!!

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
Create this PCF
Close as Percent of 10-day high 100*C/MAXH10
Sort your EasyScan by this condition in DESCENDING order to rank the stocks found by how close they are to the recent high.
- Craig Here to Help!
 Registered User Joined: 7/23/2006 Posts: 29
Appreciate the new formula. The 3 PCF's plus your sort PCF run fine but I would like to do some adjusting to them. I'm trying to break down the formulas to understand exactly what they are currently doing so I can make the adjustments.
I have a problem understanding what a few of the statements are doing. I understand that MAXC10 gives the highest closing price over 10 days, but what does MAXC10.10 and MAXC10.20 mean....
And can you give a brief explanation of what the 1st PCF is looking for?
This will help at lot... again, thanks for your kind help!!

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
MAXC10.10 Highest close for 10 days (MAXC10)starting 10 days ago(.10)
MAXC10.20 Highest close for 10 days (MAXC10)starting 20 days ago(.20)
(MAXC10>(MINL10.20+((MAXH10.20-MINL10.20)*.1))AND MINC10<(MINL10.20+((MAXH10.20-MINL10.20)*.2)))
A stock will return TRUE if:
The highest close for the past 10 days is greater than The lowest low for 10 days ending 20 days ago plus 10% of the total 10 day-trading range ending 20 days ago
The lowest close for the past 10 days is less than The lowest low for 10 days ending 20 days ago plus 20% of the total 10-day trading range ending 20 days ago
- Craig Here to Help!
 Registered User Joined: 2/5/2006 Posts: 1,148
i get a syntax error in pcf3. ????
Registered User Joined: 3/14/2005 Posts: 64
Heres a simple sort to use to watch tops, I call it "Off Peak 3 Month"
((C / MAXH63 ) - 1) * 100
create a sort column for this personal criteria in one of your watchlist tabs then you can sort any list by the criteria with one clik. If a stock is more than 5% off peak then keep a close eye on it to see if it recovers or continues down. Very handy in an easy scan with other pcf to watch your portfolio.
Ever bought a stock only to have it go down immediately or had a nice profit and watch it dissappear? This one makes it easy to spot your weak holdings on the fly and keep an eye on them. Also you can reverse the math operator and make a "Up four days in a row" pcf, which is a handy thing to check your buy list before make a trade.
Try this pcf
Down 4 days in a row
C < C1 AND C < C2 AND C < C3 AND C < C4

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
funnymoney, I show no syntax error in the third PCF:
Make sure you copied it correctly.
- Craig Here to Help!
Registered User Joined: 7/29/2010 Posts: 417
QUOTE (Craig_S) funnymoney, I show no syntax error in the third PCF:
Make sure you copied it correctly.
I think this person means this pcf:
PCF3: (C<MAXC10.10 AND C>MAX10.10*.95)

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
If so, that Condition Formula should be written as follows (it is missing the C in the second MAXC10.10 in the formula).
.95 * MAXC10.10 < C AND C < MAXC10.10
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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