Registered User Joined: 2/28/2005 Posts: 825
A daily training video is sent to me which uses a competitors (Tradestation) software. They have a neat indicator called the TTM Squeeze. Do we have anything like that available (or something that might duplicate its action) in Telechart? As I've watched the TTM demonstrated for weeks now, I find it to be a very handy indicator.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
I looked around the net and it appears it is not a publicly released formula. If you can track down how the indicator is constructed, we can try and adapt it for TeleChart.
- Craig Here to Help!
 Registered User Joined: 2/28/2005 Posts: 825
I came across this site. If you have the time, I'm would think a good programmer, such as yourself, could glean something from it (external link removed by moderator)
I followed another link from the above site which seems to do quite a job describing what the TTM Squeeze is doing (external link removed by moderator)
I'm looking forward a few more months and I ought to be able to justify moving out of Gold into daily data with TeleChart. I can see it being a great help if this could somehow be adapted for daily data (in TC Gold). But would have a greater value, obviously, as one trades daily.
Hubert's TTM Squeeze, as you probably know, is a very popular indicator and I'm sure it would eventually be a great indicator for those of us committed to TeleChart's powerful features.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
alindsley, As far as I can tell from reading your articles, the TTM Squeeze appears to be the difference between the Bollinger Band and the Keltner Channel (the coloring/shading aspects probably can't be replicated using TeleChart). You may wish to review the following:
Help with writing a scan Bollinger/Keltner Cross
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
 Registered User Joined: 2/28/2005 Posts: 825
Bruce I just heard from the author of the squeeze I mentioned above. Here is what he had to say:
The Squeeze is a pretty easy indicator for them to program. Using a standard momentum indicator for trade direction and a squeeze indicator that basically signals when bollinger bands are inside the keltner channels. I'd be happy to help further if you try to integrate it. I'm sure the programming syntax is easily understandable on Telechart...
I'll check out the links you sent and see if I can figure them out.
Thanks art
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
Can this be written as a ratio of BB(STD) to ATR.
If I'm not mistaken the center line should not matter.
So for +/- 2*(20 period STD) and +/-1.5*(20 period ATR) it would be:
4*(20 period STD)/ 3*(20 period ATR)
When they are equal it would be 1.
When the BB (or STD) is smaller it would be less than 1.
Just to make it clear the BB is 20 period and 2*STD. The Keltner Chan is 20 period and 1.5*ATR.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
diceman, Your suggestion seems to represent the very common settings. You may wish to try the following (but when creating it as a Custom Indicator, subtracting one and selecting Center Zero Line creates a nice visual clue):
SQR(ABS(C ^ 2 + C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 + C6 ^ 2 + C7 ^ 2 + C8 ^ 2 + C9 ^ 2 + C10 ^ 2 + C11 ^ 2 + C12 ^ 2 + C13 ^ 2 + C14 ^ 2 + C15 ^ 2 + C16 ^ 2 + C17 ^ 2 + C18 ^ 2 + C19 ^ 2 - 20 * AVGC20 ^ 2) / 19) * 4 / 3 / (XAVGH39 - XAVGL39 + .025024606734037 * (ABS(H - C1) + ABS(L - C1) - H + L + .95 * (ABS(H1 - C2) + ABS(L1 - C2) - H1 + L1 + .95 * (ABS(H2 - C3) + ABS(L2 - C3) - H2 + L2 + .95 * (ABS(H3 - C4) + ABS(L3 - C4) - H3 + L3 + .95 * (ABS(H4 - C5) + ABS(L4 - C5) - H4 + L4 + .95 * (ABS(H5 - C6) + ABS(L5 - C6) - H5 + L5 + .95 * (ABS(H6 - C7) + ABS(L6 - C7) - H6 + L6 + .95 * (ABS(H7 - C8) + ABS(L7 - C8) - H7 + L7 + .95 * (ABS(H8 - C9) + ABS(L8 - C9) - H8 + L8 + .95 * (ABS(H9 - C10) + ABS(L9 - C10) - H9 + L9 + .95 * (ABS(H10 - C11) + ABS(L10 - C11) - H10 + L10 + .95 * (ABS(H11 - C12) + ABS(L11 - C12) - H11 + L11 + .95 * (ABS(H12 - C13) + ABS(L12 - C13) - H12 + L12 + .95 * (ABS(H13 - C14) + ABS(L13 - C14) - H13 + L13 + .95 * (ABS(H14 - C15) + ABS(L14 - C15) - H14 + L14 + .95 * (ABS(H15 - C16) + ABS(L15 - C16) - H15 + L15 + .95 * (ABS(H16 - C17) + ABS(L16 - C17) - H16 + L16 + .95 * (ABS(H17 - C18) + ABS(L17 - C18) - H17 + L17 + .95 * (ABS(H18 - C19) + ABS(L18 - C19) - H18 + L18 + .95 * (ABS(H19 - C20) + ABS(L19 - C20) - H19 + L19 + .95 * (ABS(H20 - C21) + ABS(L20 - C21) - H20 + L20 + .95 * (ABS(H21 - C22) + ABS(L21 - C22) - H21 + L21 + .95 * (ABS(H22 - C23) + ABS(L22 - C23) - H22 + L22 + .95 * (ABS(H23 - C24) + ABS(L23 - C24) - H23 + L23 + .95 * (ABS(H24 - C25) + ABS(L24 - C25) - H24 + L24 + .95 * (ABS(H25 - C26) + ABS(L25 - C26) - H25 + L25 + .95 * (ABS(H26 - C27) + ABS(L26 - C27) - H26 + L26 + .95 * (ABS(H27 - C28) + ABS(L27 - C28) - H27 + L27 + .95 * (ABS(H28 - C29) + ABS(L28 - C29) - H28 + L28 + .95 * (ABS(H29 - C30) + ABS(L29 - C30) - H29 + L29 + .95 * (ABS(H30 - C31) + ABS(L30 - C31) - H30 + L30 + .95 * (ABS(H31 - C32) + ABS(L31 - C32) - H31 + L31 + .95 * (ABS(H32 - C33) + ABS(L32 - C33) - H32 + L32 + .95 * (ABS(H33 - C34) + ABS(L33 - C34) - H33 + L33 + .95 * (ABS(H34 - C35) + ABS(L34 - C35) - H34 + L34 + .95 * (ABS(H35 - C36) + ABS(L35 - C36) - H35 + L35 + .95 * (ABS(H36 - C37) + ABS(L36 - C37) - H36 + L36 + .95 * (ABS(H37 - C38) + ABS(L37 - C38) - H37 + L37 + .95 * (ABS(H38 - C39) + ABS(L38 - C39) - H38 + L38 + .95 * (ABS(H39 - C40) + ABS(L39 - C40) - H39 + L39 + .95 * (ABS(H40 - C41) + ABS(L40 - C41) - H40 + L40 + .95 * (ABS(H41 - C42) + ABS(L41 - C42) - H41 + L41 + .95 * (ABS(H42 - C43) + ABS(L42 - C43) - H42 + L42 + .95 * (ABS(H43 - C44) + ABS(L43 - C44) - H43 + L43 + .95 * (ABS(H44 - C45) + ABS(L44 - C45) - H44 + L44 + .95 * (ABS(H45 - C46) + ABS(L45 - C46) - H45 + L45 + .95 * (ABS(H46 - C47) + ABS(L46 - C47) - H46 + L46 + .95 * (ABS(H47 - C48) + ABS(L47 - C48) - H47 + L47 + .95 * (ABS(H48 - C49) + ABS(L48 - C49) - H48 + L48 + .95 * (ABS(H49 - C50) + ABS(L49 - C50) - H49 + L49 + .95 * (ABS(H50 - C51) + ABS(L50 - C51) - H50 + L50 + .95 * (ABS(H51 - C52) + ABS(L51 - C52) - H51 + L51 + .95 * (ABS(H52 - C53) + ABS(L52 - C53) - H52 + L52 + .95 * (ABS(H53 - C54) + ABS(L53 - C54) - H53 + L53 + .95 * (ABS(H54 - C55) + ABS(L54 - C55) - H54 + L54 + .95 * (ABS(H55 - C56) + ABS(L55 - C56) - H55 + L55 + .95 * (ABS(H56 - C57) + ABS(L56 - C57) - H56 + L56 + .95 * (ABS(H57 - C58) + ABS(L57 - C58) - H57 + L57 + .95 * (ABS(H58 - C59) + ABS(L58 - C59) - H58 + L58 + .95 * (ABS(H59 - C60) + ABS(L59 - C60) - H59 + L59 + .95 * (ABS(H60 - C61) + ABS(L60 - C61) - H60 + L60 + .95 * (ABS(H61 - C62) + ABS(L61 - C62) - H61 + L61 + .95 * (ABS(H62 - C63) + ABS(L62 - C63) - H62 + L62 + .95 * (ABS(H63 - C64) + ABS(L63 - C64) - H63 + L63 + .95 * (ABS(H64 - C65) + ABS(L64 - C65) - H64 + L64 + .95 * (ABS(H65 - C66) + ABS(L65 - C66) - H65 + L65 + .95 * (ABS(H66 - C67) + ABS(L66 - C67) - H66 + L66 + .95 * (ABS(H67 - C68) + ABS(L67 - C68) - H67 + L67 + .95 * (ABS(H68 - C69) + ABS(L68 - C69) - H68 + L68 + .95 * (ABS(H69 - C70) + ABS(L69 - C70) - H69 + L69 + .95 * (ABS(H70 - C71) + ABS(L70 - C71) - H70 + L70 + .95 * (ABS(H71 - C72) + ABS(L71 - C72) - H71 + L71 + .95 * (ABS(H72 - C73) + ABS(L72 - C73) - H72 + L72 + .95 * (ABS(H73 - C74) + ABS(L73 - C74) - H73 + L73 + .95 * (ABS(H74 - C75) + ABS(L74 - C75) - H74 + L74 + .95 * (ABS(H75 - C76) + ABS(L75 - C76) - H75 + L75 + .95 * (ABS(H76 - C77) + ABS(L76 - C77) - H76 + L76 + .95 * (ABS(H77 - C78) + ABS(L77 - C78) - H77 + L77 + .95 * (ABS(H78 - C79) + ABS(L78 - C79) - H78 + L78 + .95 * (ABS(H79 - C80) + ABS(L79 - C80) - H79 + L79 + .95 * (ABS(H80 - C81) + ABS(L80 - C81) - H80 + L80 + .95 * (ABS(H81 - C82) + ABS(L81 - C82) - H81 + L81 + .95 * (ABS(H82 - C83) + ABS(L82 - C83) - H82 + L82 + .95 * (ABS(H83 - C84) + ABS(L83 - C84) - H83 + L83 + .95 * (ABS(H84 - C85) + ABS(L84 - C85) - H84 + L84 + .95 * (ABS(H85 - C86) + ABS(L85 - C86) - H85 + L85 + .95 * (ABS(H86 - C87) + ABS(L86 - C87) - H86 + L86 + .95 * (ABS(H87 - C88) + ABS(L87 - C88) - H87 + L87 + .95 * (ABS(H88 - C89) + ABS(L88 - C89) - H88 + L88 + .95 * (ABS(H89 - C90) + ABS(L89 - C90) - H89 + L89 + .95 * (ABS(H90 - C91) + ABS(L90 - C91) - H90 + L90 + .95 * (ABS(H91 - C92) + ABS(L91 - C92) - H91 + L91 + .95 * (ABS(H92 - C93) + ABS(L92 - C93) - H92 + L92 + .95 * (ABS(H93 - C94) + ABS(L93 - C94) - H93 + L93 + .95 * (ABS(H94 - C95) + ABS(L94 - C95) - H94 + L94 + .95 * (ABS(H95 - C96) + ABS(L95 - C96) - H95 + L95 + .95 * (ABS(H96 - C97) + ABS(L96 - C97) - H96 + L96 + .95 * (ABS(H97 - C98) + ABS(L97 - C98) - H97 + L97 + .95 * (ABS(H98 - C99) + ABS(L98 - C99) - H98 + L98 + .95 * (ABS(H99 - C100) + ABS(L99 - C100) - H99 + L99 + .95 * (ABS(H100 - C101) + ABS(L100 - C101) - H100 + L100 + .95 * (ABS(H101 - C102) + ABS(L101 - C102) - H101 + L101 + .95 * (ABS(H102 - C103) + ABS(L102 - C103) - H102 + L102 + .95 * (ABS(H103 - C104) + ABS(L103 - C104) - H103 + L103 + .95 * (ABS(H104 - C105) + ABS(L104 - C105) - H104 + L104 + .95 * (ABS(H105 - C106) + ABS(L105 - C106) - H105 + L105 + .95 * (ABS(H106 - C107) + ABS(L106 - C107) - H106 + L106 + .95 * (ABS(H107 - C108) + ABS(L107 - C108) - H107 + L107 + .95 * (ABS(H108 - C109) + ABS(L108 - C109) - H108 + L108 + .95 * (ABS(H109 - C110) + ABS(L109 - C110) - H109 + L109 + .95 * (ABS(H110 - C111) + ABS(L110 - C111) - H110 + L110 + .95 * (ABS(H111 - C112) + ABS(L111 - C112) - H111 + L111 + .95 * (ABS(H112 - C113) + ABS(L112 - C113) - H112 + L112 + .95 * (ABS(H113 - C114) + ABS(L113 - C114) - H113 + L113 + .95 * (ABS(H114 - C115) + ABS(L114 - C115) - H114 + L114 + .95 * (ABS(H115 - C116) + ABS(L115 - C116) - H115 + L115 + .95 * (ABS(H116 - C117) + ABS(L116 - C117) - H116 + L116 + .95 * (ABS(H117 - C118) + ABS(L117 - C118) - H117 + L117 + .95 * (ABS(H118 - C119) + ABS(L118 - C119) - H118 + L118 + .95 * (ABS(H119 - C120) + ABS(L119 - C120) - H119 + L119 + .95 * (ABS(H120 - C121) + ABS(L120 - C121) - H120 + L120 + .95 * (ABS(H121 - C122) + ABS(L121 - C122) - H121 + L121 + .95 * (ABS(H122 - C123) + ABS(L122 - C123) - H122 + L122 + .95 * (ABS(H123 - C124) + ABS(L123 - C124) - H123 + L123 + .95 * (ABS(H124 - C125) + ABS(L124 - C125) - H124 + L124 + .95 * (ABS(H125 - C126) + ABS(L125 - C126) - H125 + L125 + .95 * (ABS(H126 - C127) + ABS(L126 - C127) - H126 + L126 + .95 * (ABS(H127 - C128) + ABS(L127 - C128) - H127 + L127 + .95 * (ABS(H128 - C129) + ABS(L128 - C129) - H128 + L128 + .95 * (ABS(H129 - C130) + ABS(L129 - C130) - H129 + L129 + .95 * (ABS(H130 - C131) + ABS(L130 - C131) - H130 + L130 + .95 * (ABS(H131 - C132) + ABS(L131 - C132) - H131 + L131 + .95 * (ABS(H132 - C133) + ABS(L132 - C133) - H132 + L132 + .95 * (ABS(H133 - C134) + ABS(L133 - C134) - H133 + L133 + .95 * (ABS(H134 - C135) + ABS(L134 - C135) - H134 + L134))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + .000001)
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
Thanks Bruce..
A few questions.
A ticker like: FDM comes up not enough data even though it goes back to 10/05. (I guess exp moving averages need time to normalize)?
I have this in tradestation. I'm getting some different values.
Using (STD*2)/(ATR*1.5).
"TC" are the Telechart values.
For ticker: -------------------TC---------TS
CHRW -------2.81------2.65 KMG-----------6.52------5.49 KMX-----------4.01------3.52
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking the "raw" values
-------------TS----STD*2-------ATR*1.5 CHRW------------7.11-----------2.68 KMG-------------18.38-----------3.35 KMX--------------4.56------------1.29 ************************************************************************** -------------TC----STD*2-------ATR*1.5 CHRW------------7.31-----------2.59 KMG-------------18.86-----------2.89 KMX---------------4.67------------1.17
(I hope I have this right. I had to figure out where to dissect your equation) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do you think its possible TS could be using simple smoothing for ATR ?
I remember a discussion about the exact length for STD calculations.
Do you think the "length " of STD and or the "smoothing" of ATR are playing a role in the different values ?
I was hoping to duplicate the TS values.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
diceman, Please try the following instead:
SQR(ABS(C ^ 2 + C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 + C6 ^ 2 + C7 ^ 2 + C8 ^ 2 + C9 ^ 2 + C10 ^ 2 + C11 ^ 2 + C12 ^ 2 + C13 ^ 2 + C14 ^ 2 + C15 ^ 2 + C16 ^ 2 + C17 ^ 2 + C18 ^ 2 + C19 ^ 2 - 20 * AVGC20 ^ 2) / 20) * 4 / 3 / ((AVGH20 - AVGL20) / 2 + (ABS(H - C1) + ABS(L - C1) + ABS(H1 - C2) + ABS(L1 - C2) + ABS(H2 - C3) + ABS(L2 - C3) + ABS(H3 - C4) + ABS(L3 - C4) + ABS(H4 - C5) + ABS(L4 - C5) + ABS(H5 - C6) + ABS(L5 - C6) + ABS(H6 - C7) + ABS(L6 - C7) + ABS(H7 - C8) + ABS(L7 - C8) + ABS(H8 - C9) + ABS(L8 - C9) + ABS(H9 - C10) + ABS(L9 - C10) + ABS(H10 - C11) + ABS(L10 - C11) + ABS(H11 - C12) + ABS(L11 - C12) + ABS(H12 - C13) + ABS(L12 - C13) + ABS(H13 - C14) + ABS(L13 - C14) + ABS(H14 - C15) + ABS(L14 - C15) + ABS(H15 - C16) + ABS(L15 - C16) + ABS(H16 - C17) + ABS(L16 - C17) + ABS(H17 - C18) + ABS(L17 - C18) + ABS(H18 - C19) + ABS(L18 - C19) + ABS(H19 - C20) + ABS(L19 - C20)) / 40 + .000001)
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
Excellent Bruce.
Looks good.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
diceman, You did the hard work of figuring out they were using a 20-Period Simple Moving Average of True Range instead of the more standard Wilder's Smoothed 20-Period Average True Range. The other issue was switching to the / 20 used in their Standard Deviation instead of the / 19 that I normally use to match TeleChart's Bollinger Bands.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 12/3/2006 Posts: 278
Bruce & Diceman - I'm interested in setting up the above custom indicator as you two finally got it worked out on the 7/6/06 post. I'm ok on the BB's but need a step by step on the indicator!! Thank You - Mike
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
You can copy and paste Bruce's 7/6/06 equation as a custom indicator.
You may be interested in this:
Plotting Custom Indicators with Examples
Thanks diceman
Registered User Joined: 12/3/2006 Posts: 278
Thanks diceman - I didn't ask the question correctly - hopefully this will show my confusion. Still confused about the set-up. Is this just another 20 period BB with 2 std dev and I add a 20 with 1.5 or is it something else with the ATR of 1.5 mentioned? Your post "Just to make it clear the BB is 20 period and 2*STD. The Keltner Chan is 20 period and 1.5*ATR" makes me wonder if I'm doing things correctly. You had an error and you said "I guess exp moving averages need time to normalize" so I'm wondering if I'm supposed to be plotting in EMA's too? From what I'm reading, this seems like I need a separate plot of the Keltner Channel for the BB's to run in and out of? Thanks for your help - Mike
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
From my earlier post. This is a definition of what it is:
"Can this be written as a ratio of BB(STD) to ATR.
So for +/- 2*(20 period STD) and +/-1.5*(20 period ATR) it would be:
4*(20 period STD)/ 3*(20 period ATR)
When they are equal it would be 1.
When the BB (or STD) is smaller it would be less than 1.
Just to make it clear the BB is 20 period and 2*STD. The Keltner Chan is 20 period and 1.5*ATR."
When we calculate Average True range. We have a choice of how to smooth the ranges.
Simple Exp. or Wilders.
In his July 05 2006 11:45 post Bruce supplied a version where ATR had Wilders smoothing. (this uses EXP moving averages which require more stock data in the data base also notice the equation is much larger)
I had this running in different software and the values did not match. (I figured out that it was because my software was using simple smoothing for the ATR)
This lead to Bruce supplying a second version July 06 with simple smoothing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So to answer your question. You do not need to add any moving averages. (the moving averages discussed were in the calculation of ATR)
The indicator is a ratio of Bollinger Bands (20, 20) and a Keltner Channel who's width is based on a 20 period ATR. (+/- * 1.5)
In the July 05 post ATR used Wilders smoothing. In the July 06 post ATR uses simple smoothing.
The indicator is complete as is.
Low values equal low volatility and high values equal high volatility.
(You can make your choice if you like the July 05 or July 06 version better)
Hope that helps
Thanks diceman
Registered User Joined: 12/3/2006 Posts: 278
diceman - thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I'm trying to get the channels you and Bruce settled on in the July 06, post. Where or how do I see the channels? If I pull this up on my BB screen, that's all I see. I don't see a channel that the BB's go in and out of?? Thanks again - Mike
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
The indicator is:
(bollinger Band equation) divided by (ATR equation)
The result is a line that shows the ratio of the two.
You do not actually see the 2 bollinger bands or the 2 atr bands.
(one width is divided by the other)
Imagine the bollinger bandwidth is 2 points and the ATR bandwidth is 4. The result of the indicator will be .5 (2 divided by 4)
Does that help?
It is not clear to me why you are confused or what you are looking for.
(please re-read my posts)
Thanks diceman
Registered User Joined: 12/3/2006 Posts: 278
diceman - thanks again - I now think I might be looking for one thing and you may be explaining something else that sounds the same. Please go to tradethemarkets.com and look at that squeeze indicator. It has BB's dropping in and out of a Keltner Channel. That's what I thought we were trying to do and that's what I wanted if possible.
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
Yes this is the same type indicator. Just viewed in a different form. (I don't know if the settings are the same)
The "squeeze is on" when the value is less than one.
Imagine you took the top white line shown in the video and subtracted the bottom white line and had a value of 2.
Then did the same with the top red and lower red and had a value of 4.
2 divided by 4 is .5 (because it is less that one the BB bands are smaller than the Kelt Channel a squeeze is on.)
So a squeeze is on when this is below 1. The squeeze ends when it is above 1.
Bruce's equations give this value. Dropping is heading toward a squeeze. Rising is moving away from it.
So you are generating the same thing. Just not plotted with 4 lines.
If needed. I'm sure Bruce would be able to create a channel that you could use with your bollingerbands to see it like it is show in the video.
It can also be edited to a percent true indicator so that you get an indication when the squeeze is on:
When true a squeeze is on.
Thanks diceman
Registered User Joined: 9/21/2005 Posts: 566
Diceman, which formula is the correct formula to use in this topic thread, the one you posted or the one Bruce posted below:
diceman, Please try the following instead:
SQR(ABS(C ^ 2 + C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 + C6 ^ 2 + C7 ^ 2 + C8 ^ 2 + C9 ^ 2 + C10 ^ 2 + C11 ^ 2 + C12 ^ 2 + C13 ^ 2 + C14 ^ 2 + C15 ^ 2 + C16 ^ 2 + C17 ^ 2 + C18 ^ 2 + C19 ^ 2 - 20 * AVGC20 ^ 2) / 20) * 4 / 3 / ((AVGH20 - AVGL20) / 2 + (ABS(H - C1) + ABS(L - C1) + ABS(H1 - C2) + ABS(L1 - C2) + ABS(H2 - C3) + ABS(L2 - C3) + ABS(H3 - C4) + ABS(L3 - C4) + ABS(H4 - C5) + ABS(L4 - C5) + ABS(H5 - C6) + ABS(L5 - C6) + ABS(H6 - C7) + ABS(L6 - C7) + ABS(H7 - C8) + ABS(L7 - C8) + ABS(H8 - C9) + ABS(L8 - C9) + ABS(H9 - C10) + ABS(L9 - C10) + ABS(H10 - C11) + ABS(L10 - C11) + ABS(H11 - C12) + ABS(L11 - C12) + ABS(H12 - C13) + ABS(L12 - C13) + ABS(H13 - C14) + ABS(L13 - C14) + ABS(H14 - C15) + ABS(L14 - C15) + ABS(H15 - C16) + ABS(L15 - C16) + ABS(H16 - C17) + ABS(L16 - C17) + ABS(H17 - C18) + ABS(L17 - C18) + ABS(H18 - C19) + ABS(L18 - C19) + ABS(H19 - C20) + ABS(L19 - C20)) / 40 + .000001)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bruce
Registered User Joined: 12/3/2006 Posts: 278
diceman - thanks so much for helping me get a little clearer on this!! Now I need to find Bruce - can you pass this on or do I need to start another topic thread??
Thanks Again - Mike
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
I'm sure Bruce will see this.
Neither is "correct". The first (the long one) uses Wilders smoothing. (for the ATR)
The second (smaller) uses simple smoothing.
(Bruce assumed Wilders what I had somewhere else was using simple. So he supplied the second so they would match)
Thanks diceman

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Michaelc1507, If you wish to plot the Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels instead of the TTM Squeeze itself, you may wish to review the following (these links are referenced earlier in the topic):
Help with writing a scan Bollinger/Keltner Cross
You can use the built in indicator to plot Bollinger Bands.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 12/3/2006 Posts: 278
Morning Bruce - thanks for the above - I had seen this while researching for the custom indicator. Also while researching I found a post from you to diceman on 7/6/'06 at 9:55 AM where it looks like you fine tuned the PCF to include ATR smoothing to match the TS search. My question is -- does the indicator you pointed me to above, by dwalls, take the smoothed ATR into account?? And/or if I just search with this PCF of yours and look at it in my custom indicator and BB screen, am I looking at the TS indicator screen, minus the arrows of course? Thanks Again - Mike

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
QUOTE (Michaelc1507) Also while researching I found a post from you to diceman on 7/6/ག at 9:55 AM where it looks like you fine tuned the PCF to include ATR smoothing to match the TS search. Unless I'm missing something, that post is in this very topic. It adjusted the smoothing on the Keltner Channel from Wilder's to Simple.
QUOTE (Michaelc1507) My question is -- does the indicator you pointed me to above, by dwalls, take the smoothed ATR into account?? All of the work in Bollinger/Keltner Cross is based on Simple Smoothing (but using Range, not True Range). Some of the work in Help with writing a scan is based on Simple Smoothing, some is based on Wilder's Smoothing, some uses Range and some uses True Range (they are differentiated in the descriptions).
One thing to note is that the TTM Squeeze indicator is based on the width of the channels. There is some indication that the centerlines might be different (there does not appear to be universal agreement on how Keltner Channels are calculated). If the centerlines are different, the crossovers of the actual lines will not be at the same point as the width crosses.
Here's a Keltner Channel based on True Range with a Simple Moving Average Centerline and Width (to match the Bollinger Bands and my Thursday, July 06, 2006 9:55:02 AM ET post):
Select Chart Template | Add Indicator | Price Channel. - Visible: Checked - Plot Formula Line: Up to you. - Smoothing Average: 20 - Average Type: Simple - Width Multiplier: 15 - Indicator Line Formula: C - Channel Width Formula: (H - L + ABS(H - C1) + ABS(C1 - L)) / 2
QUOTE (Michaelc1507) And/or if I just search with this PCF of yours and look at it in my custom indicator and BB screen, am I looking at the TS indicator screen, minus the arrows of course? I don't understand the question.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 12/3/2006 Posts: 278
Thanks Bruce - what I didn't have was the Keltner Channel from your last post so I could see the interaction of these and the Bollinger Bands. I'll study this for awhile and see how it works. Thanks again - Mike
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2007 Posts: 13
Hi Bruce,
you said:
You can copy and paste Bruce's 7/6/06 equation as a custom indicator.
I did it but I want to scale this from 0 to 1 and above 1
Is this possible?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Custom Indicators have an option to Center Zero Line but do not have an option to center any other value. What you can do is subtract one from the Custom Indicator (by adding - 1 to the end of the formula) and select Center Zero Line to create a visual clue (as previously mentioned in my Wednesday, July 05, 2006 11:45:33 PM ET post).
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 4/11/2008 Posts: 12
I wish to create a scan condition based on the squeeze ending with the bollinger band crossing back out of the keltner channel. Thus my condition would be short hand (squeeze.0 >= 1 and squeeze.1 < 1) thus I need as I understand the thread the "previous" days code for the example of the current day code example below from the thread...
July 6,2006 9:55AM - Thread: TTM Squeeze Indicator
SQR(ABS(C ^ 2 + C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 + C6 ^ 2 + C7 ^ 2 + C8 ^ 2 + C9 ^ 2 + C10 ^ 2 + C11 ^ 2 + C12 ^ 2 + C13 ^ 2 + C14 ^ 2 + C15 ^ 2 + C16 ^ 2 + C17 ^ 2 + C18 ^ 2 + C19 ^ 2 - 20 * AVGC20 ^ 2) / 20) * 4 / 3 / ((AVGH20 - AVGL20) / 2 + (ABS(H - C1) + ABS(L - C1) + ABS(H1 - C2) + ABS(L1 - C2) + ABS(H2 - C3) + ABS(L2 - C3) + ABS(H3 - C4) + ABS(L3 - C4) + ABS(H4 - C5) + ABS(L4 - C5) + ABS(H5 - C6) + ABS(L5 - C6) + ABS(H6 - C7) + ABS(L6 - C7) + ABS(H7 - C8) + ABS(L7 - C8) + ABS(H8 - C9) + ABS(L8 - C9) + ABS(H9 - C10) + ABS(L9 - C10) + ABS(H10 - C11) + ABS(L10 - C11) + ABS(H11 - C12) + ABS(L11 - C12) + ABS(H12 - C13) + ABS(L12 - C13) + ABS(H13 - C14) + ABS(L13 - C14) + ABS(H14 - C15) + ABS(L14 - C15) + ABS(H15 - C16) + ABS(L15 - C16) + ABS(H16 - C17) + ABS(L16 - C17) + ABS(H17 - C18) + ABS(L17 - C18) + ABS(H18 - C19) + ABS(L18 - C19) + ABS(H19 - C20) + ABS(L19 - C20)) / 40 + .000001)

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
A version of your formula from 1-bar ago could be written as:
SQR(ABS(C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 + C6 ^ 2 + C7 ^ 2 + C8 ^ 2 + C9 ^ 2 + C10 ^ 2 + C11 ^ 2 + C12 ^ 2 + C13 ^ 2 + C14 ^ 2 + C15 ^ 2 + C16 ^ 2 + C17 ^ 2 + C18 ^ 2 + C19 ^ 2 + C20 ^ 2 - 20 * AVGC20.1 ^ 2) / 20) * 4 / 3 / ((AVGH20.1 - AVGL20.1) / 2 + (ABS(H1 - C2) + ABS(L1 - C2) + ABS(H2 - C3) + ABS(L2 - C3) + ABS(H3 - C4) + ABS(L3 - C4) + ABS(H4 - C5) + ABS(L4 - C5) + ABS(H5 - C6) + ABS(L5 - C6) + ABS(H6 - C7) + ABS(L6 - C7) + ABS(H7 - C8) + ABS(L7 - C8) + ABS(H8 - C9) + ABS(L8 - C9) + ABS(H9 - C10) + ABS(L9 - C10) + ABS(H10 - C11) + ABS(L10 - C11) + ABS(H11 - C12) + ABS(L11 - C12) + ABS(H12 - C13) + ABS(L12 - C13) + ABS(H13 - C14) + ABS(L13 - C14) + ABS(H14 - C15) + ABS(L14 - C15) + ABS(H15 - C16) + ABS(L15 - C16) + ABS(H16 - C17) + ABS(L16 - C17) + ABS(H17 - C18) + ABS(L17 - C18) + ABS(H18 - C19) + ABS(L18 - C19) + ABS(H19 - C20) + ABS(L19 - C20) + ABS(H20 - C21) + ABS(L20 - C21)) / 40 + .000001)
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 4/11/2008 Posts: 12
looks great..thanks
Registered User Joined: 12/6/2004 Posts: 6
which is the right formula for the ttm squeeze?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
As diceman pointed out in his Sunday, June 10, 2007 5:12:42 PM ET post, there is no "right formula" for the TTM Squeeze. It depends on the exact definitions used for indicators upon which there is no universal agreement as to their calculation. That said, the formula given in my Thursday, July 06, 2006 9:55:02 AM ET post matches the TradeStation results.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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