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Registered User Joined: 3/5/2005 Posts: 30
what do i do to see only those stocks that have notes from the worden's for today.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 4,308
Change your watchlist to Charts With Notes. Sort it by Note Date in descending order. The most recently written notes will be at the top of the list. There is no way to isolate just the stocks that have notes today, but having them at the top of the list I believe should accomplish what you want.
- Doug Teaching Online!
Registered User Joined: 3/5/2005 Posts: 30
One more thing how do I get to see Peter's comments in TC Platinum Chat. Is that Peter-Worden Club in the chat area?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 4,308
Yes...make sure under Clubs that you join the Peter Worden club. And then at the far left of the chat area, click on the hammer icon and make sure to check the box for the Peter Worden Club. This will make sure chat for that club will be visible to you. If you wish to see only the chat from that club, make sure all other clubs are unchecked.
- Doug Teaching Online!

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
You will find most of Mr. Worden's comments are in the ALL TCNET club so keep your eyes open.
- Craig Here to Help!
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